Title: Harry

Author: Liederlady

E-mail: holmeswatson@verizon.net

Feedback: Welcomed

Archive: Also archived on my LiveJournal page at http://liederlady221b.livejournal.com/. However, some of the chapters are inaccessible or truncated.

Chapter Rating: PG for adult themes (future chapters will range from G thru NC-17); hurt/comfort; angst

Pairing: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson

Disclaimer: The characters are in the public domain. I earn nothing beyond the enjoyment of playing with them.

Summary: This AU began as a flashback scene for another of my fics, “Rendement,” which involves Holmes and Brunton (the butler from “The Musgrave Ritual”). However, this story evolved and proposes a meeting between Holmes and Watson (no less momentous) several years prior to the canonical one at St. Bart’s. Because of Holmes’ rather eager, show-offish behavior at that canonical meeting, my interpretation of him here is of a much younger man. As the story opens, he is 19 years old (although Watson assumes him to be younger); Watson is 24. Another character, Doctor Brett, who mentors Watson appears here and in later chapters. Plans are for the story to continue through Watson’s Maiwand experiences, recovery, and, of course, the St. Bart’s scene, but with a different context.

Warnings: Some graphic references to violent victimization (male rape) and medical treatment of same.

Notes: Bolding indicates end notes.



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