Title: Channels
Author: Abbie Strehlow
Email contact: AbbieStrehlow@yahoo.com
LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/knotted_rose/
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Xander/Spike, Giles/Ethan
Spoilers: Post season seven BtVS, so yes, MAJOR spoilers
Feedback: Yes please. As a Yank writing Englishmen, I'm sure to screw up. Please feel free to point out the things that I get wrong. Thanks!
Acrive: Let's keep this one up in the Attic, okay?
Disclaimer: General disclaimers, don't own anything, am not making any money, am participating in expanding canon, additive, not diminishing, etc.
Summary: This starts approximately one year after the end of BtVS. Ethan casts a mysterious spell. Xander starts to channel Spike. Wackiness ensues.

Header graphic by Robin tCJ






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