Title: Son of Casper
Author: Abbie (AbbieStrehlow@yahoo.com)
Rating: NC-17? R? Not really sure.
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Spoilers: Post season 7 BtVS - major spoilers
Feedback: Sure - go ahead - make me blush
Distribution: Let's leave this one in the Attic, okay?
Thanks: Many thanks to Lazuli for allowing me to play, and to Robin for issuing the initial challenge, though I didn't really answer it (not too good with following rules.)
Disclaimer: General disclaimers, don't own anything, am not making any money from this, am participating in expanding cannon, additive, not diminishing, etc.

Summary: Willow had tried everything she could think of: devocation spells, revocation spells, and exorcisms; structural, flesh, as well as spiritual cleansing spells; protection pentagrams, protection circles--Xander thought Willow would try a protection square dance if it would work.

But nothing did. Nothing stopped the apparition. Xander continued to be haunted by Spike the "friendly" ghost.





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