Title: All Hallowed Mating

Author: CaliaDragon [

Fandom: Buffy/Xena

Pairing: Xander/Spike

Rating: NC 17

Spoiler's: BtVS Season 2

Warnings: Random Violence, I guess it can be considered Chan, Xander is 16, smut and the use of my strange and frightening imagination.

Category: Fluff/AU

AN: Xander has decided that being a soldier is not in his plans, instead he decides to go as someone a bit closer to his personality. Dru and Spike aren't lovers in this, mainly because I can't see Spike as the type to cheat on her. So Dru is just his big sis. Dawn is here, cause I think she'd be a cute little rugrat and a happy part of Xander's life. Also my muse refused to cooperate so there was more than just sex involved and it became a crossover.

Disclaimer: Not mine unfortunately, if it were Buffy would have been a lot more candid and no ne of them would have ended up in half of the relationships that they did!

Thanks to Edi, my wonderful beta.





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