Title:  A Little Porn

Author:  Margie

Rating:  NC-17 (for the naughty sex parts)

Pairing: X/S

Spoilers: None really

Disclaimer:  I don't own anything.  Joss owns it all damn him!

Archive:  If you want it just email me to tell me where it's going.
My own website: http://www.angelfire.com/indie/margarks/index.html
Also posted to my LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/margarks 

Summary: Spike and Xander get it on. Written for the Spander Inquisition for luvxander (A.K.A. - CJ)   Requirements were for Xander to say "Fuck me like you bought me."  And Spike to say "I love you".

(PS - I realize you can't rent Pornos at Blockbusters ::shrugs:: I made a mistake.  Oops.  But I'm too lazy to change it now.  Thanks.)

Thanks to Edibbea for the beta! 





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