Title: Tripping

Author: Maz

Timeline: Set during 'Lovers Walk' Season 3:8

Warnings: M/M Slash, Drug use

Summary: The things you do, when you don't know what you're doing.

E-mail address: maztodaygonetomorrow@hotmail.co.uk

Disclaimer: The BtVS characters all belong to Joss. No profit being made from this.

Pairing: Briefly Xander/Devon then Xander/Spike

Rating: NC-17.

A/N: Beta'ed by my wonderful Maggie. Thank you so much, Maggie.

A/N2: Part 3 ~ Thanks to LadyCat's 'Silk' for inspiring some of the imagery.

Permission to archive: Yes, but please tell me where.

Feedback: Yes, please, I would love that





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