Title: Coming Home
Author: mygothangel
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: S/X mentioned
Spoilers: End of BtVS
and beginning of 5th season AtS
Disclaimer: don't own
anything and make no money
Warnings: angst,
character death
Summary: Takes place
during 5th season AtS, but not in LA. On the day before Christmas Eve, Spike
Feedback: Yes, please!
(It's only the third piece I've ever written, so please be gentle with me ;-)
Note #1: Many thanks
to the lovely ladies Cas (virtualpersonal), spankspike and Lazuli for the quick beta and all the encouragement a newbie could
want. All mistakes you can find come from too much tweaking and are mine alone.
Note #2: I desperately
wanted to write a fluffy piece for Christmas, but my fingers disagreed…
This ficlet is dedicated to a bunch of people on my LJ flist (you know who you
are! *hugs*) |