The 2008
Spander Illuminations
Title : Christmas Eternal Author : Saifai Pairing : Spike/Xander, mentions of Spike/Buffy and Xander/Anya Rating : R, just to be safe E-Mail : Author Note's : This is just a thought that’s been plaguing me for years, and it took this chance from Lazuli to turn it into something more. Disclaimer : I don’t own the boys, that right goes to Joss Whedon et al, but I do like to play with them every now and then. Archive : This one’s just for Lazuli. Summary : There’s more to Spike and Xander than what people realize. This is a story of how the two found each other, and where it lead them. Spoiler : Anything from beyond season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and season 5 from Angel. It is AU from the perspective that Xander’s fix of a blood transfusion after the episode Go Fish (s2xep20) didn’t work as planned. Minor changes throughout the timeline. Beta : txrabbit Fandoms : Buffy the Vampire Slayer (with ever so brief mentions of Angel) Feedback : I live on it. My muses love it.
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