SPIKE: You took your time.
XANDER: And a Merry Christmas
to you too, Mr Grumpy-pants.
SPIKE: Grumpy pants is right
considering the present state of the contents.
I’ve been freezing my balls off— Is that pink you’re wearing? Fluffy
XANDER: It’s just a
muffler. Dawn insisted, ‘cause of the
SPIKE: The cold, huh?
XANDER: The cold, yeah, no
‘huh’ about it.
SPIKE: Isn’t it a bit…girly,
even for you?
XANDER: It’s classy, it’s
angora, it’s— Whadda you mean? Even
for me?
SPIKE: Put it this way:
didn’t need a spell from Red to confirm what I already knew.
XANDER: Willow didn’t… … What’s that look for?
SPIKE: What, this look? You imagined it.
XANDER: O…kay. No look – asshole
– and no spells. Willow wouldn’t do
that, even if I…
SPIKE: Outright demanded it? Let’s face it, mate, you’re gayed up.
SPIKE: You going to stop
that any time soon? It’s like being
staccatoed to death.
XANDER: Listen to me. A pink fluffy muffler is no indication…
SPIKE: Closest you’ll ever
get to a muff again.
XANDER: That’s it. I’m going.
Freeze your ass off, see if I care.
SPIKE: Oh, don’t be so
XANDER: There you go again!
SPIKE: I’m just winding you
up. Red didn’t cast that spell, you’re as
one-hundred percent big, butch, straight, manly beefcake as you ever were.
XANDER: You better believe
it. … Was that a snort?
Did you snort?
SPIKE: That’s me trying to clear
frozen pipes. Have you any idea of how
long I’ve been stuck here on surveillance?
Long enough to have bloody-well iced over.
XANDER: You want to borrow
thi— Hey, less of the
demonic glare! Forget I offered. Although…pink would suit you. Just saying.
SPIKE: I am, in no way, pink.
XANDER: That’s not what Buffy
SPIKE: What?
XANDER: Nothing.
SPIKE: Better be.
XANDER: So… How long?
SPIKE: Imperial or metric?
XANDER: No, I meant how long
have you been— Imperial or…?
SPIKE: Inches or
XANDER: Uh… Well, I guess… No! How
long have you been here? I was just asking how— You’d tell me?
SPIKE: If you wanted to
XANDER: But I don’t. I really don’t. … Inches?
SPIKE: You seem the type.
SPIKE: Who’d want to…take it
in inches.
XANDER: Hey, no-one said
anything about taking anything in
SPIKE: My mistake. No harm, no foul, and all that jovial,
lily-livered bollocks.
XANDER: I don’t do taking,
okay? We established that.
SPIKE: Don’t, eh? Ever? ‘Cause…
XANDER: ‘Cause what?
SPIKE: ‘S perfectly natural.
XANDER: No. No way.
Nuh-uh. … You think?
SPIKE: Believe me, I
know. Two words for you: Angelus.
XANDER: That’s one word.
SPIKE: Two, but censored due
to your delicate sensibilities.
XANDER: Angel? Really? Damn, I wish I’d known.
XANDER: Why? Why? Oh, I…not that I…um,
well…y’know. Buffy. Or…something.
SPIKE: A concise and utterly
convincing argument.
XANDER: Right. That’s right.
So…Angel. And…and…and…
Yes, perfectly naturally, like
all guys, I’ve wondered – butneverdone.
Never, never done.
SPIKE: Then, you don’t…
XANDER: Or not so much don’t
as haven’t. Wanted. Haven’t
wanted. ‘Kay? Established. … You, er…ever…want?
SPIKE: I always want.
XANDER: Always? Always and…?
SPIKE: Whoever.
XANDER: Who…uh…who— But…not me, I guess.
SPIKE: Why not you?
XANDER: Me would be
SPIKE: Fair enough, can’t
argue with that - at least, not without a lobotomy. Not you in particular, but…
XANDER: Me? Really? Wow! I
mean… No way. Grr.
SPIKE: Suit yourself.
XANDER: Me? Wow.
SPIKE: You…or just about
anyone. In the right mood I’m an equal
opportunities shagger.
XANDER: Spike! Who said anything about— … Hey. Y’know the inches thing?
SPIKE: Imperial or metric?
XANDER: I, um…inches.
SPIKE: We’d established the
XANDER: We’d established the
measure, but not the, uh, measurement.
SPIKE: You naughty little
alleged non-bugger.
XANDER: Can’t help being
curious after everything I’ve heard.
Doesn’t mean…
XANDER: Don’t. Pull.
That. Face.
SPIKE: This face? This face is whimsically surprised.
XANDER: That face is
neener-neener-gotcha, wanker! And why
doesn’t it sound right when I say that?
SPIKE: What, wanker? Wanker, wanker, wanker.
XANDER: Fuck off. I can’t believe I— I’ll send someone else to take over from
you. Y’know, in three or four days,
other side of this weather.
SPIKE: I’m only teasing, you
dolt. C’mere. Come on, c’mere. I’ll…whisper.
XANDER: You’ll— Oh God, how did I get myself into this?
SPIKE: Closer. I can’t whisper with
you all the way over there.
XANDER: We’re the only people
for miles arou— Nyah! Get your tongue out of my… … Wha— How
SPIKE: Again? C’mon, closer.
XANDER: Nyah! Tongue!
Vampire tongue! … Unholy moly! That’s what I thought you said. … You, er… Seriously?
Does that come in instalments?
SPIKE: That comes any way
you like. Any way, as often…
XANDER: ‘Cause, having never…
SPIKE: Or at least not yet…
XANDER: Not that I would. Besides
the perfectly natural curiosity, and…and… Your…measurement. That seems…
Excessive. Anyone ever tell you ‘smug’
isn’t attractive. NotthatI’musuallyattractedyouunderstand.
SPIKE: So, Harris, why did you
XANDER: No, it’s just the way
I’m standing.
SPIKE: Here?
XANDER: Oh! Come.
Here. You know why. Because of the bad guy observing.
SPIKE: I see, checking up on
me checking up on him. Typical of you,
always checking me out.
XANDER: I was not checking
you out!
SPIKE: Yeah, right, this time.
XANDER: I assumed you’d need
to be relieved, and…
SPIKE: Thought you’d never
offer. Here…
SPIKE: Just teasing. See?
The beast is well and truly asleep.
SPIKE: Wanker. Wanker, wanker, wanker.
XANDER: Will you stop
that! I don’t want to think about
SPIKE: Wanking? Pervert!
XANDER: I KNOW! … Hey, d’you think
Willow could’ve cast that spell? ‘Cause she
had to know I was just ranting.
SPIKE: You think? Many a true word spoken in rant.
XANDER: She wouldn’t. Would she?
SPIKE: Maybe she would,
maybe she wouldn’t. Maybe she did, maybe
she didn’t.
XANDER: Thanks, pal, your
comfort and wisdom knows no beginning.
SPIKE: What suddenly makes
you think she has?
XANDER: Isn’t this stupid
conversation enough? I don’t
want to be believe it but…being around you right now, and feeling… Probably ‘cause you’re the only guy I see on
a regular basis, has to be that, because you’re in no way buff and gorgeous and
totally, totally hot, but… Y’know.
SPIKE: I think I know now,
well enough.
XANDER: You’re convenient, not the stuff scary, sweaty,
fabulously horny dreams are made of.
SPIKE: Okay. Taking into consideration the fact I’m not buff, gorgeous, totally hot and
fabulously horny… What about Rupert? He’s even more convenient than me.
XANDER: Giles? Giles is not a guy.
SPIKE: Thank
you! I’ve suspected that
for a long time.
XANDER: No, I mean, guy, yes,
but guy, no.
SPIKE: You mean…fixating on
Rupert would be like having a wank in your comfort blanket.
XANDER: Yes. No!
And…ewwww. Ewwww, Spike! And I repeat: ewwww!
SPIKE: I only meant…
XANDER: No, no more talking. Talking with evil guy proved to be
unsurprisingly evil. Enough!
SPIKE: Moonlight suits you.
XANDER: Shut up.
SPIKE: So’s mine, must be
the cold.
XANDER: How can moonlight suit anybody? Stupid vampire with your stupid… What? What’s that look for?
SPIKE: Just looking.
XANDER: Then don’t.
SPIKE: Fair enough.
XANDER: Oh, sure.
SPIKE: No, really, Xander. Haven’t you heard? Nowadays,
I’m every
inch a gentleman
XANDER: Damn, it’s cold. How long have you been here?
SPIKE: Long enough.
SPIKE: Nothing interesting. Or rather, not until you showed up and
started talking dirty, getting me all…
XANDER: I was not talking
SPIKE: What do you call it
when a bloke starts asking for your imperial measurement?
XANDER: Frat party?
SPIKE: And without any exchange of information. Very bad manners.
XANDER: Exchange?
SPIKE: Imperial or metric.
SPIKE: Want to bring that
down an octave? Before you set off all
the dogs in the neighbourhood.
XANDER: Just concentrating
on…on…being bad mannered here.
SPIKE: Make it a thrill, give
it to me in yards.
XANDER: Nonono. No giving it to the not buff, gorgeous, totally hot, fabulously horny vampire. No giving in any sense, and no telling. Watching, not telling. Do the watching.
SPIKE: I get to watch? Even better.
I could even give you a ha—
XANDER: Nuh-uh! Bad guy, watch the bad guy.
SPIKE: Why? Is he
SPIKE: ???
XANDER: Have we been
hexed? Or drugged? Or band candied?
XANDER: We – we being you and I – do not have this
conversation ever. We will never discuss imperial measurements,
we will never talk about the appeal of the not-opposite gender, and as for dragging moonlight
into it…
SPIKE: It suits you.
XANDER: How? If I can’t carry off a
muffler, surely a whole fucking moon
is way beyond me.
SPIKE: It makes your skin
pale and alluring. It makes your eyes
look huge, black and, paradoxically, both purely innocent and erotically
evil. Turns your hair to silk and…
XANDER: And…? Spike, and…?
SPIKE: You don’t want to
XANDER: I do, I so do.
SPIKE: Can’t help thinking
what it would be like to wind my fingers in that silk while I… C’mere.
I’ll whisper. … How’s that?
XANDER: Guhuhuhu.
SPIKE: From this angle, I’d
say your imperial measurement just became a little more respectable.
XANDER: Jacket. Nuh. Pants.
SPIKE: Wipe your chin,
you’re drooling.
XANDER: Guhuhuhu.
SPIKE: If we could manage
without you freezing to death, we’d make the most of this moon and give it a
hell of a show. Something very sensual
about shagging in the moonlight. Like
there’s a connection from the heavens to the Earth, through our bodies. Primal and…
Would you listen to this. Dru
really did a number on me, eh?
XANDER: Oh…yeah. But…moon and silk and connections
and…inches. Lots and lots of inches.
SPIKE: You only have to ask
XANDER: Bastard.
SPIKE: That’ll do. Yours or mine?
XANDER: Uh…no…no!
No! Yes!
No! Mine?
SPIKE: And you could show me
your Christmas tree, and the decorations, and maybe I could explain how we
celebrated when I was alive. I still
remember the traditional recipes, you’d love them. Proper Christmas pud, silver sixpences,
burning brandy…
SPIKE: And Snowballs. Dru loved them in the seventies, made with
Advocaat, ever had them?
XANDER: Have you gone crazy? Again?
SPIKE: Sorry, pet?
XANDER: We were talking
SPIKE: Turkeys and stuffing. Very, very good stuffing.
XANDER: Is there a reason
you’re talking seasonal bullshit, and looking so damned innocent?
SPIKE: Can’t think of
one. Although… Did I mention the slayer’s only about twelve
feet behind you and closing fast?
SPIKE: That went well.
XANDER: Not sure the guy we
were watching would agree.
SPIKE: Oh, I d’know, his
innards looked very colourful hanging from that tree. Didn’t think he’d explode like that, but…nice
of him to put on a show for Christmas.
XANDER: Shame about the
SPIKE: The Slayer needed his
XANDER: She could’ve brought a bag to carry it in.
SPIKE: The Bit will understand. Nothing says thanks for the loan like
still-warm offal.
XANDER: So… … Spike. … This is in no way
SPIKE: I thought we’d
decided: back to yours.
XANDER: Oh. Oh. You still want to…er…celebrate?
SPIKE: Got a tree?
SPIKE: Decorations?
SPIKE: Turkey?
SPIKE: Pudding?
SPIKE: Pressies?
SPIKE: Mistletoe?
XANDER: Umm… No.
SPIKE: You certainly planned
for this.
XANDER: Christmas is at Buffy’s. Wanker.
SPIKE: Lube?
XANDER: Coincidentally…yes.
SPIKE: In which case, your
place sounds perfect.
XANDER: It does?
SPIKE: Can we open a window
and let the moonlight in?
XANDER: Sure. I can turn up the heat.
SPIKE: I bet you can.
XANDER: Before we go any
SPIKE: Ground rules? Don’t worry, I know: no telling the friends,
no staying over…
XANDER: Before we go any further… XXXXX And if it works out… Are we looking for something that works out?
SPIKE: Why not? We’ve got it wrong with everyone else in this
God-forsaken place, law of averages says we shouldn’t entirely bollocks this up.
XANDER: That…isn’t as
doom-laden as it first appears. Good
work, Mr Grumpy-pants.
SPIKE: Cheers, wanker.
XANDER: And thank you,
SPIKE: There’s no spell,
Xander. No excuse other than me being buff,
gorgeous, totally hot and fabulously horny.
XANDER: No spell? Even better. XXXXX So, as I was saying,
if it works out… Tell the friends; stay
SPIKE: And why shouldn’t it
work out.
XANDER: I’m a stupid human,
you’re a stupid vamp, and we’re both bigots?
SPIKE: That was a rhetorical question.
XANDER: Yes, but other than
SPIKE: Good answer. XXXXX
XANDER: Y’know, what’s
happening here may be weird, unexpected and potentially suicidal, but…I think I
just might, completely by chance,
have the coolest gift for you at my apartment.
SPIKE: Imperial or metric?
XANDER: The choice is
yours. See, I may be lacking the turkey,
the tree, and the whole Yuletide shebang…
But I’m pretty damn sure I have a ruler.
“What do you think happened? Another demon woman was attracted to me. I'm going gay. I've decided I'm turning gay. Willow, gay me up. Come on, let's gay.”
Harris ~ First Date