Title: Safer Sex
Author: Abbie (AbbieStrehlow@yahoo.com)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Spoilers: None - this is PWP
Distribution: Let's leave this one in the Attic, okay?
Feedback: Uhmm - if you want to - it will make me blush though
Thanks: Many thanks to Krista for the fabulous vet/beta! Any remaining mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Disclaimer: General disclaimers, don't own anything, am not making any money from this, am participating in expanding cannon, additive, not diminishing, etc.

Summary: Xander reached at first for the clear plastic wrap, then changed his mind and picked up the green. The vampire raised one eyebrow at him. Taking the dare, Xander looked straight into Spike's eyes. "It'll look the best against your skin."





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