Title: A Series of Soulful Drabbles
Author: Abbie (AbbieStrehlow@yahoo.com)
Rating: Everything from G to NC-17
Pairing: Mainly just Spike
Spoilers: Drabbles go from just before Spike went to Africa to get his soul, up to AtS season 5, after "Destiny", so, yeah, spoilers.
Distribution: Let's leave this one in the Attic, okay?
Feedback: Sure! It will make me blush though.
Disclaimer: General disclaimers, don't own anything, am not making any money from this, am participating in expanding cannon, additive, not diminishing, etc.
Summary: A series of soulful drabbles about Spike

1. Presents: Spike just before he goes to Africa

2. Windows: Spike in Africa

3. Wishing: Spike just returned from Africa

4. Less Popular Bars: Still hanging around Sunnydale and fighting the First Evil

5. Acquisitions: Spike and the amulet, becoming a champion

6. Story Time: AtS, episode 3 ("The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinquo") when Spike is trying to touch the template book concerning the Shanshu prophesy

7. Seasonal Considerations: Ghost Spike biding his time

8. Remains: AtS, immediately after episode 8 ("Destiny")






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