Title: The Beach Triad
Author: ainm
Pairing: S/X
Rating: Almost NC-17

Usual disclaimers

This little triad of ficlets started in response to a challenge from Robin the Crossover Junkie at Excessant. I didn't anticipate writing a response at all, but it just sort of spilled out unexpectedly. These were the challenge parameters:

1. No more than 1000 words. But at least 200.
2. Spike and Xander.
3. Shmoopy. Sex optional, but encouraged.
4. Ice cream.
5. The mention of physical labour.

So To the Beach... was my response. I didn't originally intend it to be all dialog except the first line, it just sort of happened that way.

And I thought that was that. But I happened to go to the beach several days later, and while I was bobbing about in the water -- the frigid, rough water, containing jellyfish but not containing any Spike or Xander -- I got ideas for a couple more little ficlets to accompany the first. Kept the same approach of all dialog except one line and the same format overall, because it was fun that way.

Silly smutty little things, but they made my holiday a little happier -- we had bad weather and it was all pretty chaotic, so warming up a bit by thinking of the boys was lovely. :-) The whole triad is only about 1200 words. And pretty darn AU, since it assumes they are already together and it assumes there is such a paradise anywhere near them. But wouldn't it be lovely?

~ ainm ~





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