Title: Three’s a Crowd

Author: Camisha

Email: camisha_r@yahoo.com

Pairing: Well, this was a Spander Inquisition assignment, so that would be Spike/Xander

Rating: a daring R or a timid NC-17

Summary: AU Season 5. Xander is acting strangely. Spike is love’s bitch. Written for flurblewig who wanted Xander vamped (but not by Spike) and a guest appearance by Warren with no fluff. I’m sure this isn’t what you were expecting, but I hope that doesn’t mean you don’t like it.

Length: About 12,800 words

Disclaimer: Characters not mine. Some dialogue borrowed from relevant episodes and bent to my prurient purposes.

Feedback: My first BTVS and m/m slash fic. Please let me know how I did.





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