Changing Tomorrow 4
by Danielle

** emphasis
// thoughts

Utter confusion as they watched Angel and Buffy have sex, and the scene switched to Angel //Angelus// holding Willow hostage, writhing against Dru seductively, killing a woman named Jenny, holding a sword in a stone meant to end the world.

Somehow Spike and Xander just knew the information: facts about people and places they’d never seen and the emotions behind them. Spike could feel a strange link with the human all the way through the wild ride. The fact that they heard each other’s thoughts shouldn’t have brought comfort, but it did.

They were spinning. When the movement stopped, they watched Buffy kiss Angel goodbye and send him to Hell. The grief was a tangible, destructive thing—hurtling Spike and Xander into an abyss of sadness.

They were still sobbing when a vision in leather appeared: Faith. She was sexy and stunning—and utterly devoid of remorse as she killed again and again. //Whoa.// from both stunned viewers as they watched her and Xander have sex. Spike sobbing drunkenly to Willow and Xander in the factory basement. Two Willows battling it out in the library. Scene shift as a giant snake devoured the principal of Sunnydale High.

Both cringed as they watched Spike get a chip in his head. Dru abandoning him; Harmony leaving him. Spike fighting off demons in the Initiative while the Scoobies combine essences to defeat a Frankenstein named Adam.

Buffy in a trance, looking at Dawn’s fading presence in the pictures. The confusion and alarm radiated from her, then she looked at Dawn and saw a swirl of green light. A dying monk explaining that Dawn was the key and a helpless human. Protect her.

Spike’s heart broke when the world tipped and he stood looking at a woman named Joyce lying dead on the couch, the Slayer softly saying, “Mommy?” from behind him. Spike didn’t know how he knew the woman, only that he fed off shattered, fractured emotions from the Slayer and his sobs turned into screams when his head crashed to the side. Spike’s eyes opened and a woman //invincible// with curly blonde hair stood over him yelling something about a key. He knew he hated her //Glory// with a passion. Beyond the mind numbing pain, all he knew was that he would do anything to protect a girl named Dawn...



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