Twenty Three O Five: 10
by Josie_h
Spike woke late the following afternoon to a quiet knock on their door. He padded over and opened it to a rather nervous looking young woman. “Yeah?”
“We um…. that is the… um… Mistress thought you might like to tour-the-facilities!!” The red headed girl blurted out the last part then blushed profusely and looked desperately at her feet as though they would provide… something!
Spike took pity and placed a kind hand under her chin, lifting the nervous teenager’s jaw until she was forced to make eye contact. “’S not a problem, Luv. Give us ten though yeah? Boys need rousin’.”
The apprentice wiccan gave a weak smile, looking genuinely relieved, “Sorry… and um… Thank you… and sorry … but they said you were um… vampires so… um … ”
“’S alright pet, you’re right to be nervous… but not with us… Lad here and I are leashed and souled… An’ besides… your lot are goin’ to help our lovely water babies over yonder…” He nodded at the sleeping mermen and smiled lovingly.
The charm that was Spike caused the girl to blush and give a shy smile. He smelt arousal and chose that moment to leave her to her fantasies. He touched her arm and said in his most seductive tones, “Thanks pet, we appreciate the heads up, but we’re right from here…”
His smile caused her to blush again, after which she rushed away.
The tour was to be an interesting one but long, so Richard and Dean were comfortably wrapped in silver space blankets and semi reclined, traveling in what could only be described as modified electric wheelchairs that *they* controlled. For the two aquatic companions it was quite extraordinary to feel they could get around on land again. Several times during the tour, Spike noticed that the wheelchairs were parked very close together, and the two were kissing or petting each other, obviously a little overwhelmed by their good fortune.
They were to be accommodated in an enormous land locked sea-lake arrangement that apparently housed six other mer-folk, along with a variety of other aquatic life forms, some magical, others simply those of nature. No others at the facility had suffered a transformation from human - as far as the Mistress could tell. The two were unique, just as their Virgin Mated Vampires (ensouled) were. But the state of her charges simply meant that the wiccan worked harder on their behalf.
Their sleeping quarters were separated from the main pool by an underwater tunnel. A larger warm pool designed for their kind dominated the room, though the features were quite deliberately special. It had been recently vacated by another merman who had partnered and was now resident two doors down. Mistress pointed out that there were features that had been added as soon as they knew of Dean and Richard’s imminent arrival.
There were four areas to the small pool, one was obviously for reclining and sleep. The eating area was far deeper and sported a stocked fridge and purpose built arm rests so the residents could take their food upright. A regular delivery of fresh fish guaranteed that with the press of a specially designed pad, the fridge would open giving them control over their own feeding.
There was a narrow toilet alcove allowing privacy for their ablutions. Everything else was simply touch control: the blinds to allow them privacy; the door could be opened if someone rang to come in; the temperature of the air and water in their pool was within their control; the lights and the intercom switched at their command; and the winch was available if they needed to get into their chairs (although that still did take some assistance). But the thrill was the ‘work’ area.
Half way around the tour Mistress had asked them both if they would like to work with the coven’s group of marine biologists. It thrilled Richard no end, and though Dean’s background had been in law, he reveled in the idea of ‘being useful’ and given the opportunity to contribute to the people who were ‘keeping’ them. For both-ex humans the idea that they could straddle the two worlds and not totally lose their humanity, was all important. They squeaked and clicked excitedly, far longer than a simple “Yes”. Mistress had smiled broadly, patted them both, then continued the tour.
Their work area was the fourth part in their living pool. It was of medium depth, with a near breakfast bar look to it, room for tails as they semi reclined while manipulating a purpose built ‘smart’ board with computer. They had a modified keyboard, access to the internet and all manner of tools ready for their new role. And it was all waterproof and available any time they wished.
It was late by the time they finished their wander, and the two merfolk had a booking with a dune buggy and boat in the morning. They had been invited out with the marine science team to review the current research. Access to the open ocean required being driven through the dunes by one of the staff. And though they could request the access any time, when working on research they would always be accompanied by the scientists and crew on a large modified trawler moored just off shore.
Dean and Richard were on a high, Xander and Spike simply relieved. It seemed their deserving friends were embarking on a new adventure… but a very good one this time.
As two pretty mermen slid back into their watery bed of their shared room and immediately fell asleep, the vampires took some blood then spoke in low tones for the remainder of the night.
Spike was again faced with stopping Wolfram and Hart, one arm of which seemed to now specialize in the Island of Dr Moreau solution for recalcitrant staff/enemies.
The vampires heard the ‘lads’ leave sometime mid-morning but snuggled down to sleep on until close to sundown. Mistress had left a note and they followed her instructions to find her in her office happily working on computer as they were ushered in.
“My Darlings, I take it you are happy with the situation for your friends?” Spike simply nodded, still a little bleary eyed with sleep.
“Good, because the other Merfolk are here because of injury or illness, and all have chosen to stay. Sadly none are of the same origin as your friends so breeding would be difficult, but I see that they are very happy together which is just ideal…. The others are also lacking your friends’ command of the English language, and their education, but we are all fluent in the various Mer languages these days. You must see however, it is *wonderful* you brought them to us.
“Let me assure you that they work here as equals with any other staff, and will have food and board in exchange … and if we can afford it, a little more besides (my apologies but budgets are always tight). By the way, I spoke to Mistress Willow this morning, she sends her regards.”
Xander squeezed his mate’s hand at which point Spike inquired “Did Red say anything else?”
“Only that there is a research grant for Richard that did not go through his accounts and the money is still there, but as he is officially deceased there is no…”
Spike spoke up, “’S Rich’s money innit… he bloody well did the research an’ you lot are keepin’ them… Use it for the boys, get ‘im a telly or cable or…”
“William, Richard has asked that you two accept the money and the coven has agreed. If you choose to continue documenting your progress I am sure Richard can help you write it up. But he is adamant and it seems your funds are limited at the current time.
“Willow also mentioned that the proceeds of Xander’s estate will be made available to you, and if I may, we have need of a recreational vehicle for our research team. I realize that you have ‘borrowed it’ but I wonder if you would mind swapping for this trip? Sadly my car is but an old black Cadillac, though you are most welcome to it. At least the trunk is large enough if you are truly stuck in the day.”
Spike stood took the wiccan’s hand, kissed it then pressed the back of the hand to his forehead as he bowed to her in a gesture of deep gratitude.
She pulled him into a hug and dragged Xander in too for good measure.
An evening later Spike and Xander were preparing to leave.
Spike and Xander watched in amazement as Richard and Dean wrote their thoughts on a smart board via a keyboard designed for their particular ‘physically challenged’ state. The ultimate irony being that he and Dean were enhanced in so many ways and yet… there had been a trade off… :: sigh:: they were humanly impaired in so many ways now… But the Vampire grinned as the words “Be Happy Guys, Finally found my Man” And the reciprocal grin and “So have I” from Dean caused both vampires to slide into the water with their lovely friends and engage in a four-way hug.
Spike stilled for a moment as the three others kissed and Xander immediately sobered also. “Just lettin’ you know… both of you right… We *will* get the bastards… in the end… we will…even if it’s only the ones as did this to you two…”
Richard reached up and tried to grab Spike’s arm but his flipper merely scratched the pale arm. He looked apologetic then typed on his keyboard, “Don’t… please don’t make you in danger… Not for ME… Look… We’ve already won! Be happy for us… Four-way anytime you like! Dolphin half like vampire on the recovery… pleasure… pleasure!”
Spike leaned down and kissed Richard soundly, stroking the thicker skin and caressing the still pretty face with all its adjusted features, then letting his hand glide down to the slit. He watched as the stroking caused the skin of the flap to turn pink. Richard groaned and reached in for another kiss.
Spike eventually stood up and began to move away, “You are beautiful you know that… and… figure this computer has the net … so you’d better keep contact or I’ll come ‘n rip your bloody fins off!”
Xander felt Spike’s distress through their link and took over from his Sire. He kissed first Dean then Richard who was a little taken aback and rather emotional. Xander gave a wicked grin and said, “C’mon Rich you were never short for words ‘round us!” Richard shook his head apologetically mouthed, “Thank you” then accepted a hug. Xander was sopping wet already and now from the flippers at the back and a torrent of tears from the front.
They held for a long time, long enough for Xander to begin to nuzzle into Richard’s neck… Spike felt the jolt and took over from Richard, winking and mouthing ‘My Boy’ with a naughty grin then adding audibly “See you soon, you two… ‘Spect great things from you ya know that right?”
Richard grinned back, very publicly embraced and kissed his partner then nodded at the board as they both slid back into their warm pool.
“So long and thanks for all the fish” had come up on the screen typed by Richard’s lovely friend upon request apparently.It was a nod to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, an all time favorite of Xander’s – Xander cried a little against his Sire before the words were lost in a huge, very deliberate, and exuberant splash from two joyous tails.
Spike and Xander watched as the two smiled back at their wet friends then waved and sped off through their tunnel to the cooler water to meet their kind and enjoy the main area of their new abode.
Spike and Xander stood to accept towels from their lovely hostess as they began to take their leave of The Coven and Mistress Blackrainbow. Richard’s fate was a good one, but there were others in need of help.
They accepted a firm hug from the lovely Mistress and some shy presents from the other wiccans. The old Cadillac fired up and they pointed the car north.
They had work to do.
Eleven Twenty Three O Five: 11