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Buffy was ‘in the building’, and this time Xander felt the prickle well before her physical presence.
He and Spike were dressed in their full leather outfits ready to receive the clans as they were on their first night. Xander’s hair was now slightly longer than Spike’s but both had ‘used product’ to force it back in identical fashion.
They descended the steps together, much as they had on the first night before Spike was named High Master. What Buffy saw however, was a totally confident, very serious, ruling couple moving smoothly and elegantly as one. Buffy was reminded of scenes from an old cult movie, the Matrix, and it was the Slayer’s turn to gasp. They were commanding, powerful, and beautiful.
When Anton swept forward to greet them, she was almost breathless. The elegance and grace of the three together was remarkable and she pinched herself again. Xander in particular caused her to stare. It really *was* her old friend from high school, but a man who now exuded a charisma and power that demanded her attention as he entered the room.
They had drawn the clans together again… The topic was difficult, and the mood somber. There was the customary meet and greet prior to the meeting, with various drinks (blood and wine consumed in equal quantities).
Discussion ceased and the room went silent as a very ‘old’ looking Giles arrived with Willow on his arm. The ruling couple moved toward the door of the meeting room to greet them, the crowd parting respectfully as they passed through, and the two interlopers drew breath. Speaking on the phone Giles knew things had changed since their Italy days but had no idea of the transformation of both. It was indeed the High Master of Europe, William Aurelius who held out his hand as a greeting. And to the amazement of all present the Watcher Giles dutifully kissed the Aurelian ring rather than shaking the hand as was human custom. He then gave a small respectful bow to the Consort. It gave some indication of his alliegence.
Willow followed his lead, then gasped as Xander reached out to take her hand and squeezed it in a reassuring, yet formal response to the welcome. She knew Spike and Xander had mated, but did not expect the magical energy that now flowed from her longtime friend… Xander had always been just… Xander. His confidence and carriage was one thing, but now he felt like Spike to touch… through and through, the fully mated Consort of the High Master, Willow’s eyes went wide, Xander just smiled.
The meeting began almost immediately. It was Anton as always who took the floor as chairperson but then Spike who addressed the court.
“We thank the esteemed members from our northern clans for coming. Particularly as we have invited three sympathetic ‘others’ here tonight. Buffy as you know is one of the oldest slayers on record. Few of you have met her before, but as you no doubt realize she has been partner to our Sire Anton for twelve or so years.” Despite his fatigue Giles’ eyebrows went up at that statement… and resolved to ask later the ‘our’ and the ‘Sire’ were something he had no inkling of.
Spike continued, “The wiccan to my left is Willow Rosenberg, lifetime friend of my Consort Alexander, and arguably the most powerful witch on the planet. And finally, from the Watcher’s Council, Mr Rupert Giles… whom I will personally vouch for.” At that Giles felt quite unexpectedly emotional. The High Master of Europe had no reason to do such a thing, Xander or Anton perhaps but hardly Spike whom Giles himself had always been wary of and even conspired to kill. The difference the statement made in that forum, Giles knew to be a double edged sword of sorts. It guaranteed his safety well beyond the meeting and throughout Europe, but brought with it the responsibility of being the watcher trusted to assist in sorting this dilemma with the council.
“I believe that our northern cousins need to have the floor for a time. Theirs is a situation we are addressing but we need to know your status. You will find much of the information in the minutes but if you would care to speak to it and update us that would be appreciated.”
Giles was stunned, Buffy rather bored (as she didn’t speak the tongue in which the addresses were mostly made) and Willow was utterly intrigued. The vampire court was being run like the EU, or the UN even. The concern for the clans and their human counterparts in areas where weather had crops failing and humans dying, the regional issues regards the shift of feeding grounds, and the very real participation of many of the clans in day to day society, all discussed with seriousness and respect.
Giles had never had a black and white view of vampires, and the conversation with Xander days earlier had confirmed it. But this was *nothing* like he’d expected and was utterly thrown. The idea that the European court was (and apparently in some clan regions, had been for some time) treating humans like ‘game’: preserving environments; guaranteeing food supplies; monitoring populations; improving conditions; and restricting or shifting vampire hunting grounds accordingly, was positively abhorrent on one level, but also far more responsible and in a sense ‘ethical’ than much human activity.
The council on the other hand had no agenda, money, or strategies in place to assist human populations. The imperative to kill off ‘the evil vampires that preyed on humans’ (and any demons found along the way) the only one as far as the council was concerned at the current time. Giles was further flabbergasted as he learned that in many areas vampires had *already* had to resort to an exclusively animal, or sample-not-kill diet for their own and their food source’s benefit. Indeed for *years* in some regions.
He had no idea before the meeting, of just how substantial the monetary input directly from the clans to the regions were (it was hardly a privy point for the council to know!), though of course knew of the slayer training facility funding and the new council’s grant directly from the High Master’s pocket. He now found the human recipients (like for the council itself), would struggle, or not even exist, without the support of vampire philanthropy and/or investment.
Giles had already been reasonably willing to be the ‘voice of reason’ for the Council, but really had been compelled to keep the full extent of his objection to the current ‘ruling group’ of watchers very quiet in their meetings. He was ‘on the outer’ as the new council voted by a one person majority to ‘go old school’ - including the testing of slayers by their watchers in the traditional fashion. He had nearly lost Buffy in that process and never forgot the outcome of that exercise… not least of which was the loss of trust that took years to fully rebuild. The idea that thousands of the Slayers would be put at risk so needlessly in that way was his real breaking point with the new council. The extremist ultimatum to the clans, being ousted and finally the Consort Xander’s phone call merely affirmed his decision.
These *boys* who were members of the council had initially been hand picked by Giles though eventually a ‘management team’ took over. What was unforeseen was the bigotry, the hunger for power, and the burning ambition of some in the new group and now it was apparent….also the corrupt nature of some of the ‘management team’.
The ‘fast rising’, new chairman ‘Mr Moxley’ had quickly established himself as one of the recruiters. As soon as he and ‘his boys’ were ensconced in the council there was a successful vote to evict the witches from their ranks. Deeming them ‘untrustworthy’ and dabbling in light and dark, and therefore of no interest to the Slayer/Watcher establishment.
Hearing what was likely to occur and fearful that they might not just be ‘evicted’, Willow had taken Dawn and the two other young witches with her ‘on a weekend break’ just prior to the decision. The wards around the coven protected them and hid their location, something that seemed increasingly important as Moxley’s fanaticism began to imply that the wiccans were no longer to be considered human or of use to the Council.
With the increasing hostility to magic, the four watchers with magical backgrounds (including the now deposed chairman Rupert Giles) had been ‘tipped out’ after a vote, with the demand that they retire from their duties within the month… Giles knew then, as he had in Sunnydale, that his role was no longer with the council, but thanked his inner Ripper for giving him some perspective… His not so ‘alter ego’ had kept he, and his charges, alive on more than one occasion in the past. Hopefully now, sitting in a room of the most powerful vampires in Europe, his ability to strategize and compromise with purpose would save hundreds of thousands of demons and humans from a most terrible mistake.
It was one of the Masters of the German clans who spoke, “So what *exactly* do you think we are to do *watcher*?”
Giles did what he always did. He took off his glasses and polished them furiously whilst saying, “I am sorry, at this point I am merely a messenger and…. frankly don’t have the foggiest idea.”
The other speaker, already at his wits end over the threat to his own clan, snarled and began move toward Giles in full game face. But the High Master was at full strength and cleared both tables to first subdue the other clan Master, pinning him to the floor and then biting just above his original Sire’s mark until the other yielded. He then fed a mouthful of his own blood to the recalcitrant member of his court. They both stood and returned to their places as if nothing had happened.
Giles, Willow and Buffy were all shocked, as much by Xander’s *lack* of reaction, as to the apparent savagery of the act. But as the German Master regained his seat, he was noticeably glassy eyed, high on his Master’s blood and visibly moved. He was calm and contained for the remainder of the meeting.
The ensuing part of the conversation all but ignored the three non-vampires. If the council decided to enforce their new rules, the clans had three months exactly to comply. It was brutally obvious, the Court had no option but to withdraw in some regions, consolidate their power and then fight back.
They came up with several options… the first and the least popular, to oppose the slayers on their own terms… in an all out war. The second was a proposal to negotiate with other regions of the world, to gather support and/or the rights to relocate, though given the time frame this would be problematic. The final idea seemed the most practical … and settled upon… there would be a clandestine gathering of all sympathetic watchers and their slayers who would be prepared and supported in a coup d'état at the Council meeting three months hence. If it was felt necessary, it would be preceded by the cessation of all funding of the Council by order of the High Master.
Once the political option had been decided upon, the discussion was swift and to the point. Anton, Spike and Xander would continue to ‘take memos' from the council, while also having high level discussions worldwide with other High Masters ( who’s courts would also likely be threatened if the Council succeeded in Europe). Anton would also liaise with a number of people of influence who might aid their cause.
Buffy stood at the end of the dialogue, “I am not going to apologize for my status as Slayer… I have had a long time relationship with the Aurelian line,” Several of the Masters growled their displeasure (and indicated their historical knowledge in the process), “But we’re good, I think… and *we* are in crisis! The Slayers are all being trained by a council who is sticking to the old rules… ”
“There are fledges and minions that are ‘bad news’, just as there are humans who cause problems. But *my real* watcher taught me to value ‘grey’ rather than black and white” Buffy smiled as an exhausted looking Giles smiled affectionately at his former charge, “I wish to respectfully ask the court and Master William to consider Mr Giles and myself to be a part of the ‘retraining team’, along with who ever else the Master wishes to name from the court, of course.”
She looked around the room and saw a few puzzled faces, and many falling into game face, “That man..” she pointed at Giles, “Gave up everything for his commitment to fair play… and if we have a way to do this, it’s by teaching these new Slayers *quickly* what Giles and I know… You and I know that’s about the grey, not the black and white… and that we need to use our combined resources…” Buffy looked lovingly at her Anton, Spike and Xander, “to benefit many who cannot do it for themselves…”
The argument was a little muddled and emotional, but those in the room appreciated the sentiment. As several of the member groups fell into game face, it was Xander who took the floor, and in a way that most of his ‘audience’ expected. His chair was flung back as he stood, demanding attention. Master William grabbed the impetuous hand, and he was pulled down. All waited while blood was shared swiftly and imperceptible words exchanged. Giles and Willow were rather taken aback.
Xander then addressed the room as his Master might, “We bring the Slayers and the Watchers to us… to train… Giles, can you rely on Andrew and his ‘crew’?”
“Indeed and sadly, I do think he is one of our best hopes.”
“Then he makes whatever excuse … they all do… to spend time with us. How many can you guarantee? Your sympathizers… And how do we find them? Can we fix on a meeting place?”
The Master took over as if informed of his Consort’s thoughts… it was not a misconception. “Indeed I think my Consort speaks for us all, we need a safe haven if suggestions of the ex watcher and partner of the Immortal are to be effected. Mistress Minna…”
Minna was still struggling with her role as the new leader of the northern clans, but managed to keep her calm when addressed directly by the High Master.
“We have a need of a remote meeting facility. I seem to recall that your summer residence outside St Petersburg is just such a venue and accommodation will be adequate for the number attending… The Court will, of course guarantee to fund all reasonable expenses…”
Minna nodded then Spike turned his attention back to the Watcher and the Witch. He leveled his blue eyes on the witch and all but purred, “Can you put wards on?”
Willow simply answered, “Yes, and we can include the training rooms of the Northern clans if you wish them also to be protected by coven wards.”
Minna bowed to the high witch and other delegations murmured their appreciation of the offer.
Anton nodded and indicated to Spike without speaking that it was a good time for the ‘guests’ of the court to leave the meeting. Buffy noted the gesture and understood.
The high Master stood indicating that some of their number were departing, the rest of the Court rose also, and the old Slayer, the aged Watcher and the red Witch, stood, nodded respectfully to the gathered court, then departed. Buffy flanked by Willow and Giles.
The room relaxed a little, and further arguments were few. Now was more a time for round table discussion regards clan matters… As was High Master William’s way each clan leader was given an opportunity to discuss the ordinary issues and challenges and use the strengths of others in the court to advise… It was rather a relief after the ‘war council’. As to the latter, the plan was clear. Clans would ‘do what they needed to do’ according to circumstance, but all would be kept up to date, via whatever means, as to the sympathies and status of their area… They would be supported as required and if all else failed, there would be safe havens clearly defined.
The meeting concluded with a decision to reconvene the court in St Petersburg within the month.
Mistress Minna’s delegation were the last to leave the room. As she stood to depart the silent figure of her Master loomed behind her and his hand stopped her progress. She interpreted the touch as there being some problem and fell to her knees, neck exposed in fealty as was custom. He took the offering, pulling once then laving the mark that would disappear within the day.
“My dear mistress, much has been laid at your feet to deal with. Our court deeply appreciates your efforts now and in the coming months… So in recognition and in private, I offer my gratitude.” With that Spike opened his wrist and offered to the stunned female vampire, her High Master’s blood.
She took two small drafts, licked once then released, finally lifting her pretty tear streaked face after pulling herself back under control. “I will not fail you Master William.” She then stood with the effortless grace that was intuitive to their race… and moved fluidly from the room.
The Consort stood, slid his hands around the leather clad waist and put his chin Spike's left shoulder. The two outfits squeaked a little with the friction as he squeezed his Master from behind.
Xander all but purred, “That was a nice thing you did…”
Xander had no real idea of the significance of a High Master freely giving blood to one of his court (apart from the Consort). Mistress Minna left utterly overwhelmed. Her own Sire had not fed her for nearly fifty years… and the High Master’s blood was *so* potent. Her loyalty had already been proven, but now it mirrored that of a Childe. Having lost her own Sire, she silently pledged her existence and publicly bared her neck to her High Master.
Spike had bitten her and offered his blood in return, and in that simple exchange, with that gesture, he confirmed her status and Minna would be strengthened for weeks, her loyalty unerring for decades beyond that.
And unbeknown to Spike, the High Master William’s legend would grow as a direct result.
Anton smiled as he watched the rather dazed Mistress depart.
Spike turned to his Sire and noted the indulgent smirk on the Immortal’s face. “What?!! T’was the right thing… She’s a fine leader and has a hard road ahead… Anyway… bint’s too bloody skinny! Bit of Master’s blood never went astray to fill a lass out.”
Anton laughed openly again… there was *so* much at stake, but somehow it was important to laugh.
Xander and Spike both paid their respects to their Sire, and all three tired figures moved toward their respective suites. Spike grabbing Anton’s wrist as they were about to part company, and simply kissing it… “Good evening, Sire.” Xander mirrored the action and the three retired for the evening.
The High Master and his Consort snuggled down and began to ‘work off some tension’ to aid sleep. As they exchanged tender strokes and kisses, and the Master finally filled the Consort, the mood was one of comfort not exultation. There was much to do for the most powerful vampire couple in Europe, but for now, intertwined, it was all about comfort.