Title: The Bet
Author: Margie
Rating: NC-17 (for the naughty sex parts)
Pairing: S/X
Spoilers: Through The Gift.
Summary: Xander loses a bet, Spike's in the right place at the right time.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Joss owns it all, damn him!
Feedback: Yes please! margaritagomez1@msn.com
Archive: If you want it just email me to tell me where it's going. It will eventually be on my own website when I get the chance to update (www.angelfire.com/indie/margarks/index.html)
Author's Notes: For Lazuli.
Anytime you want a pressie, just ask :)
- She requested:
1. One of the boys lose a bet they can't tell the other about,
2. A piece of furniture (not a bed),
3. An example of Spike's true nature,
4. A confession about facing death,
5. The worst pun ever heard,
6. A gesture of protection and one of aggression (from the same
character), and
7. A reference to an unfashionable song.
I hope I got it all in there!