Title: Where? When? Gah!
Author: Margie
Rating: NC-17 (for
the naughty sex parts)
Pairing: X/S
Spoilers: A wee bit
through S5 with the whole Glory fiasco.
Disclaimer: I don't
own anything. Joss owns it all damn him!
Feedback: Yes
please! margaritagomez1@msn.com
Archive: www.angelfire.com/indie/margarks/index.html
Author's Note: This is a little more angsty than my first
fic given that poor Xander has to deal with a Spike that has forgotten that he
loves him! Poor baby! (And the fact that Glory is around) But there are still a few laughs mixed in - I
hope ;)
Oh Yeah - this fic takes place approx. 2 years after Who?
What? Huh? Xander finally moved out of
the basement, but moved in with Spike instead of Anya of course.
Summary: This is a
sequel to my fic Who? What? Huh? It is
also an answer to another Scorpio Challenge
(http://members.tripod.com/sentinel-cat/Scorpio/id207.htm) this time called
Mess with Spike. The terms of the
challenge will be detailed at the end of the fic. Basically