Title: Drifters

Author: Maz

E-mail address: maztodaygonetomorrow@hotmail.co.uk

Disclaimer: The BtVS characters all belong to Joss.  No profit being made from this.

Pairing: Oz/Xander

Rating: PG-13

Spoilers: Up to series 4:6 - Wild at Heart

Summary: Oz leaves Sunnydale, meets up with Xander and they.... drift

AN1: I was reading Tabaqui's wonderful 'Changes' and I got to thinking about how comfortable Oz had become changing into wolf form, and out again, at will. I wondered how he got like that and this story is the result. This is *not* Tabaqui's Oz, as you will see if you read on (Don't worry, he doesn't die. Someone does, but not Oz).

AN2: Dedicated to Cherrycoke, who kick started me into thinking I could, maybe, possibly, write.

AN3: Beta'd by DJ, to whom lots of love, hugs and kisses.





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