Title: A Man's Worth
Author: Nebula
E-mail: nebula_authoress@yahoo.com
Feedback: Send it to the email; it will be very much welcomed.
Archive: Please email me first, but that's only so I can praise you for asking. ~_^
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairing: Spike/Xander, with mentions of Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Faith, and Xander/Anya
Series: There's only the one story (but I've been asked for more, so we'll see...)
Spoilers: Mid Season Five
Disclaimer: My wishlist consists of Spike, Xander, and Lindsey, but I own none of them. Joss lets me borrow them, making me a very happy person.
Summary: While out searching for a nest of demons, Xander finds a piano, and memories, good and bad, come rushing in. Spike can't help but overhear, and learns a thing or two about what Alexander Harris is really made of. Maybe he can help Xander learn a thing or two about that as well...
Warnings: This story does suggest sexual content behind the scenes, along with slight child abuse.
Notes: This story is my first attempt at present tense, so...yeah. Maybe I should've put that in the warning section...~_^