Title: The Pier


Pairing: Spike/Connor


Spoilers: No spoilers.


Summary: A one-off Spike/Connor fic totally un-related to Reflections. Just a bit of fun--have you ever wondered what Connor did to work his way through college? Oh come on! Say yes.


Ratings: NC17 – for m/m slash.


Disclaimers: I worship at Joss Whedon’s temple and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the pleasure that dressing his boys up gives me! After playing with them, I always wipe them down and return them in one piece– so please don’t sue me.


Thanks: to my lovely beta Liz, who is responsible for me getting this out in time for Valentine's Day. God gave some people grammar and some he didn't. Erm -- I love my beta -- who got grammar.







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