Title: Reflections
Author: Sangue [sangueuk@yahoo.com]
Pairing: Spike/Connor
Ratings: eventually - NC17 – well, would you leave these two beautiful guys alone together and not ‘hope’ for something very naughty to happen? If you don’t like the thought of m/m sex - wrong place. The gratuitous use of English slang should also carry a warning!
Spoilers: only by accident because I’ve made it all up although there are some references to Angel Season 5 and Spike’s role/state within the A Team.
Summary: Set some time in season 5 ‘Angel’, Spike meets up with memory-challenged Connor whose cosy life in the bosom of his adopted family is about to be upset by revelations and reflections about his ‘old’ one. POV alternates between Connor and Spike.
Disclaimers: I worship at Joss Whedon’s temple, make sacrifices even and so while I am grateful to borrow his boys and play with them, I always bathe and return them all squeaky clean – so please don’t sue me.
Thanks: to my harem of beautiful betas who have given me so much encouragement and advice. Amy, Jill and Liz, I wouldn’t have got this far without you. Thanks also to the Lazuli Kat for building me a home for my stories and for advice and encouragement every step of the way.
Header graphic by Lazuli