Title: Beginnings

Author: Spikedluv

Rating: NC17/Slash

Pairing: Spike/Xander

Spoilers: None

Summary: How Spike and Xander got together, take one.

Notes: PWP. This was originally intended to be my entry for The Batpack Valentine’s Day Fanfic Challenge 2004, but ::whine:: I lost my way! I decided to revamp (heh!) what I had finished and post it as a ‘beginning’. This may turn into a series of ficlets about the many ways Spike and Xander begin their [inevitable] relationship...or it may always remain one of those fic I couldn't find the end to! We’ll see. ** indicate emphasis.

Feedback: It’s ALL about the feedback (and naked Spike)! Don’t make me beg, it’s not pretty.

E-mail: spikedluv@usadatanet.net

Live Journal: Sweet Seduction, http://www.livejournal.com/~spikedluv/

Website: Spikedluv's Scribblin', www.spikedluv.net

Distribution: Spikedluv's Scribblin', Soulmates, Shades of Gray, I Need A Parrot, Ditch the Logical, SlashFanfiction.com, Beyond Canon, Moist & Delicious, Tales from the Attic, and Unconventional Shippers List. If anyone else wants it, please ask.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, just borrowing them for awhile. Everything belongs to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Grr Argh, the WB, UPN and whomever else they really belong to, although I wouldn’t mind having a Spike of my own. Who would? The story is mine, though.

Thanks: To Tammy, for the most excellent beta! You are a gem among—uh—other shiny stuff.






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