Daddy & Me Swim Class - No Stepfathers


[On Jebediah Springfield's Statue]
A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man


[Note on Flanders' door]
Gone Baptizin'!


[Sports Sign-Up Day]
Ballet: The T is Silent



-No Shirt, No Shoes, No Salvation.

-There's Something About The Virgin Mary


[Teen pregnancy pamphlet]
So You've Ruined Your Life



Born Free, Then Caged .


Soy Pops, Now With Gag Suppressant!

Kamp Krusty: The Krustiest Place On Earth!


[Tennis Tournament]
The Krusty Kharity Klassic

Krusty’s Home Pregnancy Test - may cause birth defects


Krusty-O’s - now with flesh-eating bacteria


Painless Dentistry (Formerly Painful Dentistry)

Springfield Trailer Park: 2 days without a tornado

Our Crawl Space Now Body Free!


[Springfield Library]

-We have books about TV

-Home of Bookworms and Silverfish


Festival of Books - this banner available on audiotape

Screaming Monkey Medical Research Center


[Outside historic cider mill]
Now 10 Percent Quainter

Laramie Cigarettes - 50 Million Cigarette Smokers Can't Be Wrong


Kentucky Fried Panda

Will Drop Pants For Food


I'M HIGH...on capitalism


  Puppies: free or best offer


Join the Army and See The Opposing Army


[Springfield Cemetery]
Come For The Funeral, Stay For The Pie!


[Convention Center]
Procrastinators Convention: Postponed


8:00 - medfly spraying
8:15 - Springfield Pops concert
8:30 - spraying 2nd pass


Today: World Cup Soccer
Tomorrow: Monsters of Poetry


Today: Senior Citizens Swing Dance

Tomorrow: Cat Spay-A-Thon


Tonight: Senior's Singles Dance
Tomorrow: Closed to repair gas leak


Today: Krusty Anniversary Show
Tomorrow: Cat Spay-A-Thon


Today: Candy Convention
Tomorrow: Candy-Shaped Rat Poison Convention


Today: Charity Bachelor Auction

Tomorrow: I Retire, Ya Bastards!


[Civic Center]
Demolition Derby - As seen on Faces of Death III


KJAZZ - 152 Americans Can't Be Wrong!


Springfield Lake (formerly known as cesspool 17a)

Springfield University - If You Can Read This You're Accepted


Springfield Historical Society: Where The Dead Come Alive (Metaphorically)


[Springfield Retirement Castle]
-Where the elderly can hide from the inevitable

-Thank you for not discussing the outside world

-No Pining

Costington's - Over a Century Without a Slogan


[Springfield marathon]
Ruin Your Knees For Charity


Dentz - Blackest Fingernails in Town

Springfield Asylum Marching Band

Ear Poison: Do not get in eyes


[Banners on Hamlet/Bart’s Bedroom Wall]

-Danes Do It Melancholy


Springfield Forest: Witch-Free since 1998

Lunkheadz: a place for drooling


Municipal House of Pancakes


[Franchise Expo]
Where All Your Non-Sexual Dreams Come True

Bloodbath and Beyond Gun Shop


Crime Yes, Criminals No


[Highway Sign]
Exit to: New Jersey, Oregon, Michigan, & Texas



-Superintendent Chalmers: Now, More Than Ever

-Try Our New Beef-Flavored Chicken!

-Don’t Eat Beef – Eat Deer!



-Krusty the Klown - Embittered Comedy Legend

-Abe Simpson - Coot

-Dr. Julius Hibbert - Meddler


[Sign above entrance to shop]
Stoner's Pot Palace

Otto [walking out, disgusted]: "Man, that is FLAGRANT false advertising!"








about me
