"So Brian, what are we doing tonight?" Justin asked nonchalantly, kicking his bare foot on Brian's thigh.  They were sitting together on the sofa, and Justin was propped up sideways, his feet resting near Brian's leg.  Brian's papers spread out over them, the sofa, and the low tables.

            Still looking down at the file in his lap, Brian said, "WE aren't doing anything.  I have a presentation at 12 o'clock tomorrow, some stupid asshole who can't make up his mind, and I'm not going to let that cocksucker get away."

            "Well what about this cocksucker?" Justin asked.  He shifted along the white sofa until he was practically sitting on Brian's lap.  He put his right arm around Brian's neck.  Looking Brian in the eyes, he whispered "Will you let me get away?"

            To Justin he said, "Absolutely."  But inwardly, Brian tensed.  He didn't want to think about what he would do if Justin left.  It was amazing, really.  How much Justin has come to mean to him.  Dammit, if he weren't sitting so close, I might actually be able to resist him, Brian thought.  He knew that, now, there was no way Justin would get away from him again.  Putting his hand up to stroke Justin's cheek, Brian said, "But not today.  Besides, don't you have a project due for school tomorrow?"

            "Yeah, but it's not due 'til 2."  Justin leaned over and kissed him chastely on the lips.  They separated, looking at each other, challenging, then locked lips again, this time more fiercely.  Tongues slid against each other, questioning, testing.  Brian continued to stroke Justin's face with his hand, tracing the planes of his face, his brow, his ear, his chin.  Brian broke the kiss and looked at Justin with wide eyes, breathing a little heavier than before.  Wow.  How does he do that? Brian thought wonderingly.  His cock was suddenly straining at his jeans;  it was like *Justin* controlled his dick.

            His mind definitely wasn't on his presentation anymore.  His eyes skimmed over Justin's smooth, unlined face, his golden hair, his small perfect ears, then to his neck.  Brian leaned over to lick the tendon that stood out, caressing with his tongue.  Justin groaned softly. 

            Shoving the papers off his lap, Brian suddenly twisted around and pinned Justin to the couch, hands splayed across his chest, lips still locked on his partner's.  Justin was too surprised to react for a moment, simply reveling in the intense kiss.  Then he put his hands up and shoved against Brian's shoulders.  "Wait a minute," Justin breathed.

            "What is it?"  Brian said harshly.  "You started this, now let's go." 

            "No, you have to help me with my project," Justin said, mouth twitching in an effort to remain serious.

            "Why me?"  Brian said, already pulling his mind back to his presentation.  He didn't have the time to be teased tonight.

            "I want to try something."  Justin grinned up at him, eyes twinkling.  "It's a little messy, but I think you'll like it."

            Brian focused again on the teen in his lap.  He put his head down into the hollow of Justin's shoulder and chuckled.  "What does this involve?  Chocolate or whipped cream?  'Cuz I can tell you, I hate that spray can shit."

            "Chocolate, huh?  I thought you liked ice cream better," Justin smirked.  Brian smiled again, and bit Justin's neck, shifting position to lie full length against his lover, cradled between Justin's legs.  He slid his right hand down Justin's chest.  Finding a nipple, Brian squeezed, and sucked on Justin's neck until a red mark appeared.  He ground his hips against Justin, rubbing in little circles, feeling the erection through his khakis.  Justin moaned again, brought his hands into Brian's hair and pulled his head up, kissing him earnestly.  God, his hands are perfect, even now after...what happened, Brian thought.   Everything is.  Brian prepared to make the kiss more serious, intentional, but Justin had other plans.

            Grabbing Brian's hair hard, he pulled Brian's head back.  "Wait.  I want to paint you."

            "Is that what this big idea is?" Brian said, exasperation in his voice.  "If we're not gonna fuck, then I gotta work."  Brian was disappointed.  The thought of Justin licking ice cream off of him was a turn-on, and it looked like that wasn't going to happen.  Something to keep in mind for later, though.  Might as well go over his speech again.  Brian shifted and started to get up, but Justin held his hair firmly.

            "I didn't know you objected to foreplay, Brian," Justin growled, determined to get his way.

            "Painting my portrait is supposed to be foreplay?  Yeah, right.  Tell me another one." 

            "Who said anything about painting your portrait?  I said I want to paint you."

            It took a minute, and Justin watched Brian's face as this suggestion sunk in.  Brian smiled.  "Well.  Why didn't you say so?" 

            Maybe Justin had a point.  Foreplay.  He could see that.  This might be fun after all.

            Justin released Brian's hair, and kissed him again, briefly.  They got off the couch and moved toward the kitchen. 



            Working together, they easily spread cloth tarps over the hardwood floors near the kitchen.  They put the glass jars of acrylic paints near the edges, and several different brushes next to them.  Old towels were in a pile on the other side of the tarps, on the way to the bathroom. 

            Justin & Brian stood in the center of the tarps, kissing, just making out really.  Jesus, this boy could kiss.  He thought about what else Justin could do with his mouth, and his cock twitched.  Finally, Justin broke away, eyes half-lidded, mouth open, breathing heavily.  "Okay: strip."

            Brian never thought that taking orders would be so hot - usually he was the one in charge, and most of the time, he actively rebelled against people who told him what to do.  But he's learned that when Justin gives orders, it generally works out better than he imagined.  Brian stood looking at his partner for a long moment, then unbuttoned his collared shirt, slowly.  He removed it then, tossing it onto the couch without even aiming.  Justin just watched him, his artist’s eyes studying the smooth lines and contours of his lover's body.

            Brian's hands moved to the fly of his jeans, and paused.  He looked up, waiting for another order.  Justin didn't disappoint him.  "Okay, now the jeans," he said, an edge of steel in his husky voice.

            Slowly, very slowly, Brian unfastened each button.  He slid his hands to his waistband, eyes never leaving Justin's.  He loosened the jeans from his hips, eased them over his semi-hard-on, and let them drop to the floor.  Casually he stepped out of the pile and kicked them off of the tarp, so that they landed near the stack of towels.  Again, he waited for Justin.  "Turn around," Justin ordered. 
            Brian complied, his erection jumping every time Justin spoke.  He heard Justin move closer, and shivered when he felt Justin's hands on his hips.  The long slender fingers worked under the elastic waistband of his briefs, and gentle kisses moved along his back and shoulders.  Brian's eyes closed automatically, his cock hardening with every feather-light kiss.  Justin moved his kisses down Brian's back along his spine, finally kneeling, mouth at the cleft in Brian's buttocks. 

            Justin slid Brian's underwear down, lifting Brian's feet for him and discarding the briefs somewhere out of sight.  Justin murmured, "Don't move.  I'll be right back."  Brian heard him get up and waited there, anticipating.  He heard the glass jars rattling.  "Turn around and come here," Justin said. 

            Brian turned slowly, and gasped to find that Justin, too, had shucked his clothes.  He stood there smiling his sunshine smile, paintbrush in one hand, a jar of electric blue paint in the other, with a full-on erection. 

            "Now come here and get painted," Justin purred.  Brian walked over to Justin, tilting his head to get a kiss.  God, Brian thought.  When's the last time I just kissed anyone this much?  Kissed just for the sake of kissing?  High school?  Christ, even junior high?  Though he wanted to just take the teen right there on the hardwood floor, he was patient enough to wait it out, enjoying the moment.

            Suddenly he felt a cold wetness running down his chest, and he shrieked!  "Whooo!  That's cold!" he laughed into Justin's open mouth.  Brian looked down at the vivid blue stripe running from his sternum to his navel.  He grinned.  He liked the feeling of the paint - very sensuous, once he got over the cold shock.  Justin had paused, waiting for Brian's approval to continue.  With effort, Brian restrained himself from further comment.  He leaned down and kissed Justin again, indicating his willingness to keep going.

            Justin dipped his brush into the paint, then applied the paint in long strokes on Brian's bare torso, in random and geometric patterns.  Brian quickly got used to the sensations, and closed his eyes to focus on the liquid torture.  A pause in the action made him open his eyes.  Justin had gone back to the jars, and selected a dark blood red paint and another thinner brush.  Planting a gentle kiss on Brian's lips, Justin bent down to focus on Brian's legs. 

            Justin kept working steadily, his hand barely shaking.  Every now and then, Justin would stop painting, get up, and switch colors.  Brian felt very cared for and attended to, and closed his eyes again to enjoy the rhythmic stroking of the paint along his body.

            After a time, the paint started to dry out a little, and it was becoming a little itchy.  Brian was almost moved to complain when cool wetness encircled his cock, and the urge to speak left him.  He did manage to open his eyes, though, and found that, in addition to the blue and red, his body was now decorated with green, yellow, and orange, and his dick was now bright purple!

            He couldn't help but laugh out loud.  Justin grinned back at him.  "Okay," he said, "now, lie down, on the canvas."  Brian carefully bent over, trying to avoid smudging up the paint.  He put his hands down, and placed himself in a push-up position.  Carefully, mindful of his engorged member, Brian pushed his painted body into the canvas, wondering what it would look like when they were done.  Justin pressed down on him in strategic places, making sure the paint transferred well.

            "Okay, now just lie there;  I'll do your back," Justin said firmly.  Brian did just what he was told, relaxing into the floor, reveling in the wet sloppy sensations of paint being dragged across his back and legs.  It wasn't as cold anymore, or he was used to it now, and the stroking was like a massage.  Brian wondered idly if the paint was going to be a bitch to wash off, then the thought left him as he lost himself again in the joy of being painted.  If it weren't for the throbbing in his cock, he could almost slip into a meditative state.  Justin had been so quiet that it startled Brian when he spoke:  "You’re ready to turn over now."

            Ready to oblige, Brian allowed Justin to help him roll over, so that he wouldn't mess up the first image.  Justin pressed and pushed him some more, making certain that the patterns transferred onto the canvas.  He lay there for a long moment, looking up at Justin, who looked down at Brian with wide eyes.  "Very interesting," Justin smirked.  "A lot messier than the computer program, but then you can't do this with a PC."  Justin leaned in and kissed him, hard.  While Brian wanted to just grab Justin and fuck him right there, he also wanted to finish what they'd started.  After all, why should Justin have all the fun?

            Grabbing Justin's hair in his very messy hands, Brian pulled him away from the increasingly steamy kiss.  "Now it's your turn, Picasso," Brian growled.  "Help me up." 

            Justin stood and reached out his left hand to Brian, hauling him up.  He looked over to the paints and brushes, then back to Brian with a sultry look on his face.  He grinned slightly, then deliberately closed his eyes and stood in the center of the second tarp. 

            Now that Brian was upright, he could see the patterns that Justin had painted, and Brian had to admit that it was really pretty cool.  He leaned over and picked out a brush and paint jar - bright magenta ought to do it.  He loaded up a generous dollop onto the brush, then thought for a moment about where to start.  He decided, and quickly drew a large thick line from shoulder to shoulder, enjoying Justin's flinch and quick intake of breath.  "Shit that's cold!"  he chuckled. 

            "Yeah, it sure is, isn't it?"  Brian countered without a trace of sympathy.  Brian continued to paint Justin's front, pausing now and then to change paint colors and kiss Justin.  He's right, Brian thought.  This is foreplay.  And a hell of a lot better than preparing for a fucking business meeting.

            Putting the finishing touches on his art, Brian grinned.  "Okay, down you go," he ordered.  Mimicking Brian's earlier push-up motion, Justin assumed the position and lowered himself to the canvas.  Seeing his lover lying there prone made Brian's dick pay attention.  He would have to move this along.  He placed his hands onto Justin, rubbing firmly in all the right places.  Then in a couple of places that would have no effect on the transference of paint.

            Justin breathed in sharply as Brian's hand brushed against Justin's cleft, then moved lower.  "Brian, what are you doing?"

            "Just making sure the paint gets onto the canvas," he smirked. 

            "I think that's fine for now, don't you?"  Justin asked, his tone belying his words.

            "For now," Brian said, then kissed the base of his lover's neck.

            Grabbing the first jar at hand, Brian abandoned the brush and dipped into the paint with his fingers.  He put the jar down and rubbed the blue pigment between his hands.  Then he placed them carefully on Justin's shoulders, leaving matching large blue hand prints on Justin's back, marking him.  He reached over for new paint, drawing now with his fingers all along the contours of his lover's body.  It became a strange sort of massage, with paint instead of oil.  Brian didn't really want the paint to get into crevices, because it’d be too difficult to remove it later.

            Aware of his increasingly throbbing cock, Brian quickly finished his handiwork, saying finally, "On your back. Now."  Helping him with a now orange hand, Brian rolled Justin onto his back.  He kissed Justin's mouth, softly, then harder as he leaned into the kiss.  Brian moved to cover Justin's body with his own, serving the duel purpose of pressing the paint onto the tarp and turning up his simmering arousal.  Oh yeah, this is fun, Brian thought, grinding against his lover.  Justin groaned, and Brian decided it was time to move to the shower.

            Brian stood up, reaching down his hand to his partner.  Justin took it and allowed himself to be pulled up, clinging to Brian and kissing him again.  Brian broke the kiss and smiled at his lover.  "Look at our work - we're pretty talented," Brian grinned. 

            The canvases now had four life-sized images of brightly colored and obviously naked men, front and back, minus the heads and feet.  That does look kinda weird, Brian thought.  He voiced his observation: "Are you gonna leave them that way?" 

            "Oh, I can finish that later," Justin replied, pulling Brian even closer to him.  "Now it's cleanup time."  Justin kissed Brian passionately, then broke away, grabbing the old towels that still sat on the edge of the tarp.  Making sure they were not dripping paint, Justin grabbed Brian's hand and led him straight into the bathroom. 



            Now that Justin was done with his art project, Brian took hold of the reins.  As soon as they were through the door Brian spun his lover around and pinned him against the shower stall.  Holding him in place with his lips, Brian's hands roamed over his lover's paint-stained skin, felt it warming to his touch.  How can he get me going every time? he thought wonderingly.  Blindly, Brian reached for the shower door and pulled it open.  He had to break the kiss to turn on the water, and in that short time Justin turned the tables, spinning Brian and pinning him to the glass.  Sneaky little shit, Brian thought.  He won't get away with that for long. 

            Brian's hand played over his lover's body again, as he kissed Justin's neck.  His mouth finally settled on that spot behind his ear which reduced Justin to a quivering mass.  And Brian liked quivering.  Oh yes, there it was.  Licking that spot stopped Justin in his tracks.  Brian took advantage of the pause to grab Justin by the waist and spin him around again, Justin's backside pressed against the glass.  Brian's cock was as hard as a rock, and the kid hadn't even touched it.  Christ, he needed to slow this down if he wanted it to last.  Breaking the kiss, Brian stared at Justin through heavy-lidded eyes, enjoying the way he panted, like he'd been running. 

            "Go on, get in," Brian said huskily.  Justin obeyed, looking back over his shoulder at Brian once more.  Then he turned and stepped into the now steaming water. 

            Brian turned away from the shower, breathing hard, willing his body to get itself under control.  They actually had all night.  His presentation was all but done, and there wasn't much else he could do here at home anyway.  He smiled, anticipating an all-nighter.  He turned back and just stood there for a moment, admiring the beautiful, colorful body standing under the warm spray of water.  When his eyes had had their fill, he stepped into the shower.

            Justin turned at the sound of the door opening, and smiled up at the taller man.  Brian grinned in response, then smiled wider when he looked down.   The water had smudged the paints, and now rivulets of color ran down Justin's body, so it looked as if he were melting.  Justin grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him underneath the spray.  He found Brian's lips with his, and kissed hard, tongue swirling and exploring his mouth.  His hands roamed slickly over Brian's torso, back, buttocks, mixing the paint into new and wondrous patterns.  The kiss intensified, and Justin's hand came to rest on Brian's cock, which jumped at the touch.  Brian returned the gesture, and thought about the humorous picture that they made: two colorful painted clowns holding onto each other's dicks like they were handles.  The urge to laugh vanished, however, when Justin's hand started to move.  God, he knew just what to do to get him off.  But he didn't want to come this soon.  Brian squeezed Justin's dick, hard enough to get his attention and stop his hand. 

            "Not so fast, Picasso," Brian said.  "We've got a lot of cleanup yet to do."

            "I thought that's what we were doing," Justin said, kissing Brian again and moving his hand slowly up and down.

            "Turn around," Brian said roughly, then without waiting for a response, spun Justin around so that he was pinned against the shower door.  Brian kept Justin there with his left hand, and found the shower gel with the other.  When he was sure that Justin wouldn't turn around, he retrieved the gel, poured some into his hands, and rubbed them together in little circles.  He stood up straight, then placed his hands on Justin's shoulders, working the foam over Justin’s skin.  As Brian continued his ministrations, Justin got more and more vocal, which pleased Brian immensely.     

            The paint-stained suds streamed down Justin's body, creating different and swirling patterns.  The bubbles tickled playfully down Justin's crack and he laughed.  Brian got another handful of gel and went to work again, the suds forming more easily on Justin's hairy legs.  The paint seemed to melt away, and Justin really loved the massage Brian was giving him. 

            "Ready for the front side?" Brian inquired.  Justin murmured something unintelligible and turned around.  He looked at Brian and smiled, running a hand along Brian's paint-smudged jaw.

            "Oh yeah," Justin said.  With that, Brian again loaded up his palms with shower gel, simultaneously kissing Justin until he was breathless.  He put his hands on Justin's chest and rubbed firmly in large circles.  They looked deeply into each other's eyes, kissing.  Brian's hands never stopped their motion. 

            Again, Brian squirted the gel into his hand, kneeling down in front of Justin.  Ouch, I won't be able to stay here for long, Brian thought.  He lathered up Justin's thighs and calves, carefully avoiding the most sensitive area.  The paint was nearly all gone now from Justin's pale skin.  Just one more place; he'd saved the best for last.

            Brian loaded up again, then paused, waiting for Justin to open his eyes.  He did then, looking down at Brian with nothing but trust and caring.  Brian reached up, and with both hands, started rubbing his genitals.  Slowly and methodically, Brian worked to remove all traces of paint from his lover's cock.  Justin whimpered, and Brian could feel him getting close.  He stroked faster, knowing just where to squeeze, and how hard.  He increased his rhythm until Justin groaned and shuddered, and his seed splattered the shower wall.

            Brian stood up, inwardly groaning at the stress on his knees.  After a long moment Justin grinned and said, "Your turn, sweetie."

            Justin kissed Brian full on the lips, still grinning widely.  He reached for the shower gel, lathering up his hands with the slippery stuff.  Unlike his partner, Justin went straight for his favorite part, grasping Brian's dick in a firm grip.  Oh God, does he do that?  Brian breathed heavily, and closed his eyes to focus on the sensation of his lover jerking him off.  His knees started to get weak from standing in this position, legs spread and leaning against the wall.  But just as things were headed toward the point of no return, Justin stopped!  Brian's eyes flew open.  "What the fu-" was all he could manage before Justin smothered his mouth, tongues wrestling hungrily. 

            "I'm not done with you yet," Justin whispered.  He loaded his hands again with the gel.  Quickly, almost roughly, Justin scrubbed Brian's body down.  The paint was almost gone anyway, with the showering activity, but there was no sense in getting himself painted again.  Although Brian was a little perturbed at the interruption, honestly he didn't just want a handjob in the shower.  After all this preparation, he wanted the real thing.

            The last of the color twirled down the drain finally, and Brian had had enough.  He grabbed Justin by the hair and kissed him again, long and hard, while his other hand turned off the water.  He broke the kiss, opened the shower door, and grabbed a black terry cloth towel off the rack nearby, shoving it toward Justin.  He grabbed another one for himself, then stepped out of the shower.  He looked back as Justin emerged, soaking wet.  It was funny how this kid could make everything sexy, even getting out of the shower.  Dripping, glistening, skin pink and flushed, lips swollen from kissing.  Many guys had been here before Justin, but by the time they were out of the shower, Brian was usually done with them; but Justin...he just wanted more and more of him.

            He stared unabashedly as Justin toweled himself off, not caring that he just stood there dripping himself.  Justin finally realized that Brian was just standing there, and sauntered over to him.  "Need some help with that?"

            Brian grinned, dropping his towel.  "Whoops. I guess I'm just turning clumsy in my old age.  Could you get that?" he suggested.  Justin grinned back.

            As Justin bent to retrieve the towel, Brian bent with him, stealing a kiss.  Justin broke the kiss and knelt on one knee, picking up the towel.  He started drying Brian off, starting with his legs and working his way up, back and front, pausing here and there to kiss lovingly.  Eventually he stood up, drying and kissing his way up Brian's chest and neck.  With a sharp smack to Justin's backside and an evil grin, Brian quickly turned and exited the bathroom, nearly bounding onto the bed.  Though they were still damp, Brian was more than ready to have his fun now.

            Justin followed behind, discarding his wet towel and grabbing the condoms & lube off of the nightstand before leaping into the bed beside his lover.  Brian took advantage of Justin's instability and pinned him to the duvet, kissing him ruthlessly.  Pressing his thighs apart with his own, Brian took the lead again, making full-body contact - shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest, legs entwined, and oh yeah, cocks too, rubbing delightfully together.  Brian leaned his head down, pressing his lips into the hollow of Justin's throat, sucking and nipping.  The rubbing became more focused, Brian's hips moving in a small circular motion.

            Brian wanted all of Justin, wanted to be inside him and possess him.  He reached up and pinned Justin's hands above his head, then started kissing lower, keeping his own throbbing need in check.  He kept one hand on Justin's wrists, using the other one to stroke Justin's face, neck, shoulder, chest, pausing at Justin's pierced nipple, pinching and rubbing, then licking, earning him a low groan.  He hadn't liked the piercing at first, writing it off as a fad, and thinking Justin was a sheep.  But, the more they got to know each other in bed, the more he liked it.  And in fact, just thinking about the tiny silver hoop sometimes was enough to get him going.  He thought about what pleasure he could bring to Justin simply from playing with his nipples, and had to stop, breathing hard, bringing his desire under control.  A quick look up at his lover nearly sent him over the edge again, Justin watched him, completely suffused with lust and desire, waiting, trusting.

            Brian removed his hand from Justin's wrists, wanting to touch him everywhere.  He continued to kiss Justin's torso, as Justin brought his hands down to pet Brian's head.  Brian felt Justin's right hand suddenly shake uncontrollably.  Justin's body tensed and Brian froze.  It was the one lingering symptom from that blow to Justin’s head, and it always angered the young man. 

Brian wanted to quickly diffuse any rage and bring the focus back to the present.  He brought his lips back to the pierced nipple, sucking and biting gently, and Justin moaned again.  Brian sighed, happy that he could take Justin's mind off of his injury, for even a brief time.  Sliding down Justin's body, Brian continued to tongue his lover's flesh, pausing at Justin's navel.  Justin bucked against him, involuntarily, wanting more than just this teasing, tickling tongue and soft hands. 

            Brian picked up on this cue, and lowered himself to the main prize.  Although it shouldn't have surprised him, Brian marveled that Justin was already hard again, waiting for Brian's wet hot mouth.  Again, Brian felt a twitch in his groin, and had to back off a little, gritting his teeth for control. 

            Composure regained, Brian dove onto his partner, licking and sucking for all he was worth.  This close, he could see traces of paint still stuck to Justin's body, and Brian chuckled.  He probably had the same marks, and it excited him to know that tomorrow, they would wear these paint stains, and no one else would know.  Justin was making little noises, alerting Brian that he was close, again.  Brian raised up, letting Justin slip out of his mouth, but holding onto his dick with his hand, waiting for Justin to open his eyes.  He took Justin's hand in his and kissed the knuckles, gently.  He guided Justin's hand to his own dick, saying, "Keep your hand right there," Brian ordered

            He reached under Justin's thighs, exerting pressure to help Justin shift position.  Knees up and splayed, Justin was totally vulnerable, and totally Brian's.  Brian leaned in and tongued Justin, his cock, his balls, his fingers that still held his member, then moved lower.  Justin cried out as Brian's tongue licked around the sensitive opening. 

            Brian shifted position on the bed.  He reached for a condom and rolled it onto himself, watching Justin, waiting for his hand to start moving, to start pleasuring himself.  But he'd taught Justin well, and Justin simply lay there, holding himself, waiting for Brian's next move.  He picked up the lube from the edge of the bed, then squirted a generous dollop into his hand.  He rubbed the slick over his cock, stroking it just right.  Oh yeah, he was ready.  He put his lubed-up fingers against Justin's hole, making sure the way was prepared, and adding a bit more grease to ease the way.

            He grabbed Justin by the ankles, lifting his legs up, and Justin rocked back as Brian leaned on him, shoulders underneath knees.  He pressed himself onto Justin and bent forward for a long slow deep tongue kiss.  Brian grabbed his own dick and placed it at Justin's opening, still kissing him.  He pushed in, just barely, and Justin cried out!  Brian paused, resting just inside, but Justin grabbed Brian's ass with both hands and pulled him in.  Justin relaxed enough for Brian to enter him with a long smooth stroke, until he felt Justin's ass against his groin.  He paused again, allowing Justin to get used to him, just looking at his lover's face.  By the time he got here, he usually was just wanting to get off, but this time it was different.  Actually it was always different with Justin.  Like now, when Brian was buried totally within Justin: somehow Brian felt whole, as if together they completed an electrical circuit.  Amazing.

            Justin's whimper brought him back to the present.  He was ready.  Brian started to move, first in mini circles, more rocking than thrusting.  Justin, even in his position, began to move against Brian, in a slight countermovement.  It was just delicious.  Justin started panting and grunting, real animal sounds, which only served to heighten Brian's arousal.  With a determined groan, Brian began to thrust in earnest, using long hard strokes.  Justin's hand moved from Brian's ass to his own dick, stroking in time with Brian. 

            The sight and sensation of this was too much for Brian, and he leaned in to kiss Justin again, growling against his lips, "I want you to come. Now!"

            "Harder, then, yes, yeah, just like that," Justin gasped as Brian stepped up the rhythm.  Three, four hard long strokes later, Justin shuddered, clamping down on Brian inside him, and, still pumping his own member, spurted out jets of hot sticky liquid all over their chests.

            That was what Brian needed, and he too let loose, yelling out in release, shaking and quivering against Justin.  After a brief moment locked together, Brian let Justin go from his death grip, gently pulling out, and flopped beside him on the bed.  Justin didn't make any move toward him, knowing that Brian wasn't the cuddling type.  But, for some reason, Brian snaked his hand over to Justin's, twining their fingers together.  They lay like that for a long time, and Brian never wanted to get up. 




            The next day, Justin unfurled his creations for the class, spreading out the canvases on the floor of the studio.  The students murmured to each other, as Justin looked on. 

            He had filled in the heads, feet, and gaps in the images that morning after Brian had left for work.  And he liked the pieces, their color and boldness.  They were unique pictures.  He was confident in their quality, but he always got nervous when put on the spot like this. 

            He heard snippets of comments, "life-size?" "anyone that big" "real person" "artistic license," and grinned, knowing what they were referring to, amused at their assumptions.  While parts of the images were slightly embellished for effect, that part wasn't.  Thinking of Brian's body, though, was trouble.  The memories of last night (and this morning, twice) sent an involuntary erotic shiver down his spine, and only the fact that he was nervous and standing in front of everyone stopped him from losing himself in that memory.

            The professor quieted the class with a stern look, and turned to Justin.  "Okay, let's start the discussion.  Very interesting artwork, Mr. Taylor.  What is the name of this piece?"

            Justin looked at him and said in a clear voice, "Better Than Ice Cream."




  Better Than Ice Cream Notes








about me
