Sequel to Sealed With A Kiss  

Brian opened the loft door and ushered Justin inside.  Their passion had been satisfied by their tryst in the elevator, but they both knew from experience that their night had really just begun.  Brian went to relieve himself, and Justin went to the fridge.  He stood in front of the open door, trying to decide between vodka, tequila, or rum.  He was still standing there when Brian strolled over, stark naked. 


"Whatcha doin' lover?"  Brian asked, leaning over and kissing Justin's neck. 


"Trying to decide on my poison."


"Well, go strip, and I'll surprise you," Brian said, swatting Justin's rear.  Justin grinned wide, and gave Brian a deep slow kiss.  He tore himself away from Brian's well-formed lips and walked away.


Brian turned to the opened fridge and selected the tequila.  He turned to the counter, and selected a lemon from the glass jar.  He retrieved his cutting board and paring knife, as well as a small plate, two shot glasses, and tray.  He made short work of the fruit, placing the slices neatly onto the plate.  He found the salt shaker on the bottom shelf - he would have to tell Justin to put things back where they belonged - and arranged the items on the tray.  It would have looked better with a flower or something, but he would have to settle for a well-folded hand towel. 


"Briiiiaaaaannnn??"  Justin called from the bedroom.


Brian smirked.  That boy is so impatient sometimes.  He took his time with the tray, just to make his lover squirm.  They had both gotten off already, twice himself, and they could afford a little respite.  He poured the liquor into the glasses, rearranged the items, and smoothed imagined wrinkles in the towel. 


Why should their conversation at the club, the laying down of the rules, make him so content?  It felt good, having Justin here, and having boundaries now.  He recognized the value of boundaries, so he could break them or not, as he desired.  But maybe, just maybe, they could get along without all the trappings of traditional relationships.  He thought about Debbie and their conversation about love, but quickly put her out of his mind.  He could think about that discussion when he wasn't about to fuck the cutest guy around.


If he didn't get into the bedroom, Justin might start doing something else, so Brian picked up the tray and headed toward his lover.


Brian entered the bedroom to find Justin naked and spread-eagled on his king-sized bed.  Brian immediately felt a twinge in his dick, and marveled.  He said to Justin, "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"


Justin turned his half-lidded eyes to Brian, stretching, cat-like.  "I have some idea," he whispered.  "Now come here and kiss me."


Ah, kissing.  One of their new rules – no kissing anyone else but each other.  Brian couldn't see them adhering to this rule for long.  They were both great kissers, and Brian couldn't stand the thought of depriving Pittsburgh of one of the greatest tongues in town.  His own, of course.  Justin's came a close second.


Brian crossed to the bed and set the tray down on the nightstand.  He knelt on the edge of the bed, then slowly bent to kiss his lover.  Justin grabbed Brian's neck and pulled him down to lie on top of him, grinding against him.  God, I could kiss him forever, Justin thought.  Then he started thinking what Brian's tongue could do on other parts of his body, and Justin shivered.  Brian pulled back and looked down at Justin, smirking. 


"I thought you were thirsty," Brian said, nibbling on Justin's neck.


"I am, I just --" He stopped as Brian found that spot behind Justin's ear that made all speech impossible.  After a minute, Brian began to kiss his way down Justin's neck.  Justin again found his voice.


"What's that stuff on the tray?"


Brian didn't answer, he just kissed Justin's shoulder and chest, working his way down to the nipple, the pierced one.  That turned both of them on.  Brian thought that, sooner or later, he would have to use that nipple ring for something - put a chain on it for leading Justin around, or hook up some sort of electrode to it to shock him.  But for now, he would just have to make do with kissing it, which always made Justin moan.


Justin grabbed Brian's hair and arched up into Brian's mouth, sighing loudly.  Brian's cock was hardening again, but there was no urgency now; he could take his time.  Justin was writhing on the bed as Brian tongued the pierced nipple, and Brian had to hold Justin down with all his weight to keep him still.


Abruptly, Brian stopped and sat up, and Justin grunted his disappointment.  Brian turned away and smiled to himself, loving the fact that he could make Justin react, and anticipating the reactions that Justin would get out of him.  Brian sat back against the headboard, within reach of the tray.  Justin looked over to see what Brian had brought.


"Oh, tequila!  Dangerous," Justin hissed, grinning slyly.  He said, "Me first," and reached for the bottle.  Brian reached out and grabbed his hand.  He pulled Justin into another steamy kiss, guiding him up to kneel over him.  Brian reached over to the tray.  Instead of the bottle, he put the salt in Justin's hand.  Deliberately, Brian sat back against the headboard and waited.


Justin looked a little confused at first, but then he leaned over to Brian and licked his neck, where it met his shoulder.  Brian's eyes automatically rolled back in his head.  He bit back a moan.  Did Justin know that, for him, this spot was an erogenous zone all by itself? 


Justin tipped some salt on the wet spot, and reached over and got a glass, already full of tequila, and a lemon slice.  He straightened, and held the lemon in front of Brian's mouth.  Brian looked at Justin with desire.  He was totally turned on and under Justin's spell, and wanted nothing more at that moment than for Justin to kiss his neck again.  He opened his mouth and Justin gently placed the lemon between Brian's teeth. 


Justin grinned at Brian, and slowly leaned in and sucked the salt off of Brian's neck, drank the tequila, and dove at Brian's mouth, devouring the lemon and Brian's lips at the same time.  Justin leaned back, smiling, as well as he could, anyway, through the involuntary pucker his mouth made after the citrus.  Brian smiled back at him and said, "My turn."


He sat up and maneuvered Justin against the bed, so that he was lying down.  Brian sat to one side, bending to kiss Justin again.  Then he moved lower, licking and tonguing his way down Justin's body.  Justin was turning out to be a very vocal lover - that turned Brian on even more.  He licked around Justin's belly button, knowing how ticklish he was there.  He reached up and got the bottle, and poured just a little into Justin's navel.  Justin gasped, but Brian held him fast to keep from spilling the liquid.  He quickly put the bottle back on the nightstand and returned to kiss Justin all over his neck and chest.


He licked up and down Justin's belly, avoiding his dick for now.  Justin's head thrashed back and forth, hating and loving the teasing sensations.  He grabbed the sheets, trying not to move too much.  Brian continued his teasing as he traced circles around Justin's midsection, smaller and smaller, until he reached the center.  In one quick motion,  he sucked in the tequila and moved  down to Justin's twitching cock.  Brian took all of Justin in his mouth, earning from Justin the loudest moan yet.  Brian sucked hard, then gently, running his tongue up and down the slick shaft.


Justin reached down and grabbed Brian's hair,  petting and guiding him.  Holding his own growing need in check, Brian attended fully to his lover.  He enjoyed coaxing out expletives and groans, using only his mouth.  Then he reached down, lightly squeezed Justin's balls with one hand.  He licked one of his own fingers, got it good and wet, then placed at Justin's hole.  At the same moment, he sucked hard on Justin's dick and slipped a finger inside.  Justin cried out.  Brian moved his mouth and finger together for a time, until he heard Justin's breath get ragged and felt his muscles quiver.  Brian stilled his movements.  Not too soon, Brian thought. 


He pulled his finger out, gently, and slowly released Justin from his mouth.  He crawled slowly up Justin's body, licking and tonguing his way back to Justin's mouth.  They kissed then, long and slow, Brian straddling Justin's torso. 


Justin's hands reached up and grabbed Brian's hips, guiding him so that their dicks lined up.  Brian felt a shudder from Justin as their hard cocks rubbed together.   Brian broke the kiss, grinding his pelvis ever so slightly. 


He stopped then and just looked down at his lover, drinking in his beauty.  And he was beautiful.  There simply was no other word for him.  Especially when he was flushed and glistening, completely turned on, waiting for Brian to pleasure him. 


Justin was watching him, so he reached over for another slice of fruit.  Might as well have another drink, Brian thought.  He brought the lemon to Justin's mouth.  Justin took it, waiting.  He took the bottle and tilted it into his own mouth, taking a healthy swig.  Then, he leaned in to taste the lemon.  This time, their position on the bed caused renewed friction on their dicks, and as Brian bit into the fruit, Justin moaned in pleasure.  Justin grabbed Brian's ass and pushed up against him, wanting more. 


They were both ready again, right now.  He pulled the lemon from Justin's mouth and kissed him again.  "Okay, turn over," Brian ordered.  Justin complied as Brian put the bottle and lemon rind on the tray.  Brian grabbed a condom from the basket and put it on quickly, with practiced ease.  He squirted some lube on his fingers and stroked his dick a couple of times, fully hard and ready to fuck Justin again. 


He put his slicked-up fingers against Justin's hole, and rubbed in small circles.  After all they'd done tonight, Justin needed only a little preparation.  Brian positioned himself on his knees behind Justin.  He grasped Justin's hips and lifted him up, thrusting at the same time.  Justin cried out as Brian's dick went in all the way. 


They rested there for a moment, and then Justin moved against Brian, setting a slow and steady rhythm.  Brian held himself still and allowed Justin to control the thrusts.  He backed into Brian, grunting with each movement.  Brian leaned in and placed his lips on Justin's skin, right at the base of his neck.  Justin stilled for a moment, shaking with pleasure. 


"Don't stop," Brian whispered, nibbling on Justin's neck.  "I want to hear you."  Justin resumed his movements, grunting and groaning louder. 


"Oh Brian, yeah, just like that, mmm yeah..."  Brian waited until Justin's breathing became erratic, indicating Justin was close.  Brian reached around and grasped Justin's dick, squeezing and stroking firmly. 


"Ahhh, Brian, ohh, like -- yeah, ooooh yeah, God!"  Justin groaned in pleasure and lost the rhythm, unable to control himself.  Brian took up the motion, but harder and faster. 


"Oh Brian, don't stop, yeah, harder, yeah!"  A few thrusts later, Justin yelled "OH Brian YES!"   He tensed, and Brian could feel Justin's tight butt clamp down on his cock a split second before he felt the wetness in his hand.  That was all Brian needed and he, too, went over the edge with a long grunting yell.


"Ohhhhhh Yessssss!"  Brian shuddered as he came, and collapsed onto Justin's back, breathing hard.  He grabbed Justin around the waist and rolled them onto their sides, just resting there for a moment.  Now Brian was really tired.  Three times in one night was a lot, even for him.  He could go to sleep right now, still inside his lover.  Now that they were together, Brian didn't feel the need to immediately get up or escape.  Funny how that worked. 


Brian nuzzled Justin's neck, and Justin bent his head to give him better access.  They snuggled for a minute, still locked together.  But soon, the reality of the aftermath of sex hit them, and Brian slid gently out of his lover.  As he rolled out of bed to attend to himself, he thought he heard, very softly, "I love you, Brian."   Brian continued on to the bathroom, not acknowledging anything aloud, but he thought, "Justin, I love you too."


Body Shots Notes








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