"So allow us to love you, until you can love yourself," said Emmett reassuringly.


"I think he's loved himself plenty," Michael said.


They dragged Ted into the bathroom and turned on the shower.


“Well, Teddy, you really should be happy we’re here.  There’s no telling what might have happened if left to your own...devices,”  Emmett said.


“Oh, very funny, Em. You have so many devices it scares me,” Ted quipped.


“Ha, ha.  But who’s the one who can’t get his hand out of this claw-like grip?” Emmett shot back, grabbing Ted’s right wrist and shaking the hand for emphasis.  Ted winced.


“Ow, quit it!” he said, tearing his hand away.


Michael spoke up.  “Face it, Ted.  You need help.  This isn't healthy.”


“Look who’s talking!  You were a fucking naked waiter!  I think that’s just a little hypocritical, don’t you?”


“No, I don’t!  At least I was earning money being naked!  What are you doing, except exhausting your body?!”  Michael retorted.


“I’m not exhausted.  I’m just not nineteen anymore.”


Emmett shook his head.  “Of course you’re not, Teddy.  That’s the whole point.  You can’t keep abusing yourself like this and expect to get a job.  Nobody’s going to hire you to jerk off.”


Ted said, “Fuck you, Emmett!”  But inwardly he was agreeing with his friend.  No one would hire *him* to jerk off, which was what he’d been doing for the last four days.  But what else could he do?  He had been fired.  Fired!  And if he needed a few days, or a week, to get himself together, well then so be it.


Emmett narrowed his eyes and said, “Teddy, I’m going to overlook that remark, because I know what a state you’re in.”


“Yeah.  Pennsylvania.  Hell on Earth.” 


“Well fuck you, too, Teddy,” Emmett said, smiling. 


Michael grinned himself.  “Ted, you know we’re just trying to help you, right?”


Ted sighed and slumped against the wall.  “Yeah, Michael, I know.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”


“You’re in the same place I was!  Well, almost,” Michael said, gesturing toward Ted’s groin.  “That’s why we’re here, Ted.  You just need to stop watching porn, get cleaned up, and get back out there.”


Ted nodded, looking down.  “I know.  I’ll start looking for a new job tomorrow.”


Just then, Brian’s voice called from the living room, “Hey, Wonder Whacker! I just raved about you to our head of accounting.  You have a meeting at four o’clock.  Don’t fuck it up!” he admonished. 


Ted looked at Emmett in amazement.  He walked to the door and pointed at Brian.  "Don't worry.  I'm too sore to fuck anything!"  Michael and Emmett pulled him back into the bathroom and shut the door.


“Hey, see there, Teddy?  Things are looking up already!”  Emmett laughed and grabbed Ted by the shoulders.  “You’ll be back on your feet again in no time!"


“Mikey?  You ready?” Brian yelled.


Michael glanced at the door.  “Well, Ted, I’ll leave you to your shower.  I’m glad you are gonna be okay.  Good luck today!” Michael got up from his seat on the hamper and left the room, closing the door behind him.


Ted and Emmett exchanged a knowing look.  “Brian calls,” Ted said.


“And Mikey goes running,” Emmett finished.  They laughed.


Emmett checked the water temperature.  “Well, Teddy, it looks like your shower’s ready.  I guess I’ll leave with Brian and Michael.  Need anything?”


Ted felt a moment of panic.  “Emmett?”


He paused at the door.  “Yeah, honey?”


“Don’t go yet, okay?  I still need...”  He didn’t know how to finish that sentence, but Emmett understood.


“Yeah, sure Teddy.  Anything for you.”  He came back from the door and sat in Michael’s place on the hamper.  “You know, I’m glad you’re getting a second chance.  At Brian’s company, I mean.  Oh, and by the way, you have a glob of...goo on your back.“


Ted stepped into the shower, perturbed at Emmett’s tone of voice.  “Emmett, I don’t care at this point.”


“Yeah, you aren’t caring about a lot of stuff these days,” Emmett said, and that pissed Ted off even more.


“Well, I left my back scrubber at Wertschafter’s,” Ted said sarcastically.  “If you’re so worried about it, then *you* come and take care of it.”


Emmett got up from his seat and kicked off his shoes.  He moved to the shower, ripping open the curtain.  “Ted!”


Ted jumped and spun around.  “Emmett!!  What the hell --?”


Emmett stepped into the tub, still dressed, and closed the curtain.  “Ted, you’re such an asshole, you know that?”


“Emmett, get out!”


“Not until I make sure you get yourself clean.”


“Em, I don’t need you to help me!  And you’re getting all wet!”


Emmett leaned in and kissed Ted, fast and hard.  "I'm getting more than wet, sweetie."


"What in hell are you doing?" Ted exclaimed, too shocked to say anything else.


"Honey, I want you to stop focusing on yourself so much."  He made his voice husky.  "Now get down on your knees and suck my cock."


Ted couldn't believe his ears.  He also couldn't move.  "Huh?"


He leaned in and kissed Ted again, and placed his hand on Ted's shoulder, exerting gentle pressure.  "You heard me.  I want you to think about someone else for a while.  On your knees."


Ted couldn't help but comply, kneeling down in the shower.  The water hit him on his back, and the spray flew up into his hair.  He unzipped Emmett's fly and pulled out his dick. 


He flicked his tongue out and tasted experimentally.  Emmett moaned.  "Yeah, suck it!" he said harshly.  Ted wasn't about to stop and think about what he was doing.  He followed the order, taking Emmett fully into his mouth and sucking hard.  Emmett hissed, then said, "Oh, that's right.  Suck me, Dirty Boy!"


Ted did his best to oblige.  He grasped the base and licked up and down the shaft, moving his right hand to cup the balls.  He took the whole thing in his mouth, swallowing hard, earning another moan.  Emmett thrust into his mouth, almost choking him, but he held on and continued to pleasure his friend.  He got into a rhythm then, using his mouth and hands to speed things along.  His own dick was responding to the activity, but he really was too sore to worry about himself. 


Emmett reached down and grabbed Ted's head, muttering the whole time - not even words anymore, just strings of "oh yeah, ummmmm, uh huh, that's it."  *God, his mouth is like a vice!* Emmett thought wonderingly.  *Why haven't we done this before?*


Ted's knees were starting to hurt, but he wasn't about to complain - not that he could with a huge dick in his mouth.  Emmett was close.  Ted let go of Emmett's balls and used both hands to stroke his dick.  His mouth enclosed the tip, his tongue circling incessantly.  He felt Emmett's muscles quiver, and prepared himself.


Emmett threw his head back and let go of Ted's head, instead bracing himself on the shower wall.  He yelled, "Oh yeah, baby, that's it, keep going, just like that --"  Then, Ted stroked just a little faster and Emmett went over the edge.  "Oh yeah!"  Ted didn't let go until Emmett was completely done.  He let go, gently, and let the dick slip out of his mouth. 


Emmett had his eyes closed, a sweet smile on his face.  Ted braced himself, and got up, grunting at the strain on his tired body.  He couldn't look at his friend, and turned around to face the shower nozzle.  Emmett moved to stand behind Ted, hugging him around the waist.


"Thanks, Teddy, that was great."  He leaned down to kiss Ted on the shoulder.  "Get cleaned up, and I'll help you get ready for your interview, okay?"


Ted nodded.  "Um, Emmett?"


"Yeah, sweetie?"


"Can we, uh --"


"Keep this to ourselves?"


Ted nodded.


"You bet, honey."



Wonder Whacker Notes








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