Author: Reremouse
Title: Comics, Cosmetics And Coconut Slick
Series: Uni!Verse
Pairing: Spike(William)/Xander
Rating: Adults Only
Spoilers: None. Human AU
Feedback: Yes
Archive: Ask
Disclaimer: So not mine. Written purely for fun. No profit, no promises of literary value.
Warnings/Squicks: Human AU, messy and imperfect sex.
Summary: William went to college.  Xander stayed home in Sunnydale to build his dream of owning a comic book shop.  They've had nothing but cybersex and their own busy hands for two years.  Now William is coming home.
Notes: Written for the bloodclaim Color, Sound and Random Object Ficathon
Preferred rating and genre (ie NC-17, H/C, schmoop, angst, etc):NC-17/Adults Only... Human Au.
Your Color: Ginger
Your Sound: Barking Dog
Your Random Object: Tampon
Two things you'd like included: Human William either as a main character or lots of memories and Xander's parents being accepting of his relationship... but it doesn't mean they are nice about it ;)
Two things you don't want included: The first time sex being perfect (it hurts, leaves you with an aching arse and is definitely uncomfortable!). None of this 'MINE!' crap when having sex... and must they *always* have screaming, fainting, blackout orgasms?


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