Title:  Early In Forever

Author: Reremouse

E-mail: Reremouse@livejournal.com

Feedback: Yes

Archive: Ask

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Spike/Vamp!Xander

Series: Written for Amejisuto's Forevermore!Verse in the Trading 'Verses Ficathon.

Spoilers: Forevermore!Verse

Disclaimer: So not mine. Written purely for fun. No profit, no promises of literary value. Forevermore!Verse belongs to Amejisuto.

Summary: Spike takes freshly vamped Xander to Las Vegas with him to collect a debt.  Xander finds coping with his new senses more difficult than he expected.

Summary for Forevermore!Verse: Spike and Xander formed an alliance in season 2. When Spike took Dru away as promised at the end of the season, he had to leave Xander behind in Sunnydale. Dru, jealous over Spike's attachment to Xander, failed to tell Spike that Xander was in danger for his life until it was too late to save him. Spike arrives back in Sunnydale to find Xander, now estranged from the Scoobies, beaten, dying, and on life support in the hospital. Unwilling to let Xander go, he offers Xander forever, with a promise that Spike won't drive what makes Xander away from him. He'll be a vampire, but he won't lose himself. Xander accepts. They say their goodbyes to Giles and leave Sunnydale together to embark on their forever together.

AN: The potential of Xander's new heightened senses and the tender way Spike guided newly-turned Xander through the rough beginning of unlife sparked my imagination. I also wanted to play with the way Xander insisted that he wanted to feed on evildoers, a "white hat" even in death. This is my take on "what happened next" when Xander and Spike left California to begin their travels before choosing a place to settle down. I tried my best to write amejisuto's vamp!Xander and Spike instead of S2AR's.


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