Author: Reremouse
Title: Wilderness
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: Adults Only overall
Spoilers: Both series
Feedback: Yes
Archive: Ask
Disclaimer: So not mine. Written purely for fun. No profit, no promises of literary value.
Warnings/Squicks: Talk of suicide, past suicide attempt
Summary: Xander disappeared in Africa. Months later, the Council hired Spike to find him and bring him home. Spike doesn't like what he finds.
Notes: Yin held a Yinathon. My mission - if I chose to accept it - was to tell Yin a futurefic story. Post-NFA, with Xander in Africa, or having just returned from Africa. I love Africa!Xander so much. I prefer S/X, but you can go where the muse takes you. I'd love to see a scenario where Xander is kind of burned out on saving the world and has to be shown why it's worth it.






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