INSTANT MESSENGER TRANSCRIPT IANTO: I was drunk. JACK: I know. IANTO: I thought you were Bryn because I was drunk
and never really woke up. JACK: I know. IANTO: I thought it was Bryn but I pretended it was
you. IANTO: In my head it was you, Jack. IANTO: Then, when I woke up alone, I was convinced
I’d dreamt it. [ IANTO is typing a message ] IANTO: Jack? IANTO: Jack? [ IANTO has left the conversation ] [ Ends ]
INSTANT MESSENGER TRANSCRIPT JACK: Ianto? IANTO: Where did you go? JACK: Was it good?
Despite me/Bryn/drunk/whatever. [ IANTO is typing a message ] IANTO: If I’m honest, I don’t remember much about
it. IANTO: Pity you can’t forget it seeing as you were
so disappointed with the standard of the service. JACK: You didn’t believe that. JACK: Did you? [ IANTO is typing a message ] JACK: Don’t believe that. [ IANTO is typing a message ] JACK: How about we try again when we’re both sober,
simply for research purposes? IANTO: HARAAAAAAASSSSSSSMENT!!! JACK: Damn, I just laughed for the first time in
forever. JACK: Owen’s looking at me as if I’m hysterical. JACK: Want to come in here and stage the biggest
showdown ever? IANTO: You’re not a nice man, Captain Harkness. IANTO: No. JACK: I’m bored. IANTO: Do some work. JACK: Come and jump me. Throw me across Owen’s lap and fuck me right
there while he screams like a girl. IANTO: If you’ll excuse me I need to go and cry. IANTO: Only to keep him distracted for as long as it
took me to shoot him. IANTO: No euphemism. JACK: Come and jump me anyway. IANTO: I’m working.
Or about to. K to L. JACK: Are you still avoiding me? [ IANTO has left the conversation ] [ Ends ]
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