Honorable Sons: 28
by Josie_h


“Have you dated before?”


“Before what? The memory wipe thing… well yeah even *you* must know that… Oh geez!” Connor sank to his knees, took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling, “It wasn’t like… um… Cordy and I.. we were both scared and confused and…”


The young man jumped to his feet stomping away, then whirled to level the witch with a yellow infuriated gaze and growled in a tone worthy of any Master Vampire, “We were being played… I mean she was *Dad’s* girlfriend but they had that chance ripped away… and I was… We thought we were going to die!”  At the final statement, the aggressive front suddenly dropped and Willow was faced with a vulnerable young man.  


Connor continued quietly the sense of mourning, as yet unresolved, quite evident in the tone. “She was *so* nice and warm and… and then it all went to hell.” A blood tinged tear tracked down his pained features as his voice dropped to a near whisper. The pain through the link was escalating even though the vampires had tried to let Willow deal with the young man.


“That’s me isn’t it… I’m not *in* hell, I *cause* it! I *embody* it!  F#%&!!! I never saw it before! Is that why Mom is sick? Did I do that too? Will I do it to everyone around me? …..I can’t do this, I just can’t… Where’s Angel or Spike… They can drain me, finish it, return the family blood and then…”


Angel and Spike near flew from the balcony above, landing on the ground near the tree simultaneously just as Connor began to escape from Willow’s discussion point. He was in full flight as he hit his father in the chest, but luckily the weight of Spike behind the elder vampire meant the impact became an all embracing hug and grounding move for the distraught young man. Connor’s instinct took over as tears began to flow anew. He nuzzled his father’s neck and Spike, who was still behind his Sire in an embrace, saw the small fangs drop. Knowing Angel’s continuing recovery was still at risk with too much blood letting, he pushed his wrist at the young man and winced as the full blood bit down hard and drew desperate drafts.


Safe in his father’s embrace, and placated by the blood of family, though apparently only semi aware of his surroundings, Connor gradually relaxed. Spike withdrew his wrist and licked the wound closed. He reached around his Sire with the unwounded arm and petted them both in turn. Angel leaned back, licking over his wonderful partner’s ear with gentle affection, whispering “I love you more every day… Thank you.” The kick of adoration through the link added to Connor’s calm.


Oblivious to the male trio, Willow had retreated to the quiet attentions of her new partner.


“Can we find someone for him?


“I know not dear lady”


“What are the parameters… C’mon F’Iaid … we need to help… who are we looking for?”


“Gender is important.”




“For procreation, gender is an issue.”


“Oh…. So procreation is the aim of the coupling… Goddess that is *so* unfair! I mean… us and Angel and Spike and… what if he doesn’t… F’Iaid… what if he doesn’t ‘swing that way’?”


“Then he must take a female consort and a male lover. The imperative is… the continuation of the line. The Aurelian, ensouled line…. It is unique, a thousand years since the last pure blood at least, but the sharing with an ensouled father and mate… never. He *must* have children.” F’iaid kissed her friend gently on the forehead.


“But now Connor has fangs… surely he can..?” Willow looked genuinely puzzled.


“He could make a childe and will probably do so many times over, but the prophesy demands a natural pregnancy. A child of a full blood master, carried and born, not made.”


“So who? C’mon F’Iaid… I know you know!” Willow’s resolve face was leveled at her partner.


“It cannot be a slayer, and without another pure blood female… a vampire is impossible. It must be a human with some connection to magic, of your wiccan group? There may be one or two still of age and orientation…. But there another… the one known as the Key.”


Willow pulled away from her friend in horror, pacing toward the apartment building and back again, her agitation obvious. “We can’t!! We can’t do that to Dawnie… marry her off like some chattel. Goddess, we don’t have that right and we certainly won’t get her permission! She’s been studying in Italy, she’s wants to come back to study magic after that, we can’t ask her to give it up to become a bride for breeding!”


F’Iaid remained infuriatingly calm as the red witch wound herself into a fury and did another lap of the garden. “It’s just not *fair*. Connor is suffering and I know how much Dawn has endured… they’ve both been screwed over so many times by the powers!” She stomped off again muttering wildly.


F’Iaid stopped the third lap with a warm embrace and quiet words. “Connor must study magic to exploit the power he has inherited. We can bring Dawn here for her studies also. The wards around our coven will keep them from harm and we will simply let… well we will see. It may well be that intervention is unnecessary beyond that.”


“Connor is sort of Dawn’s type I guess… but hey! Don’t get me started. We can’t drag her from Italy to here now!”


“I believe we can, and we must. She may only need to be here for a short time, there are others in the coven who may be eligible, and Connor…” F’Iaid took her friend’s hand and they both turned to where Connor was being comforted by his fathers, “Connor deserves some happiness. I believe this will bring at least the peace to be able to explore that as an option.”




The night ended quietly. Hot chocolate, small talk and warm blood for those who needed it, before the witches departed, and Connor all but fell into bed in ‘his room’ as the vampires retired for the night.


Spike felt his partner’s exhaustion as they tumbled into bed. Both had heard at least part of the witches’ discussion, Spike more than Angel. His love for Connor and fondness for his ‘Little Bit’ left him confused and worried, something he could no longer hide from Angel as the link let it flow.


Angel felt Spike’s attempt to shut the link down, and vetoed it by pulling him across until the smaller vampire was lying across his chest. He tugged until Spike’s mouth was at his Sire’s neck, “Come dear heart… enough worry for one night… What do you need?” He felt rather than heard the groan then a cool tongue began to gently lave the length of his jugular in time with soft undulations of groin against groin… both actions seemed for reasons of emotional connection rather than sexual gratification, nevertheless Angel felt his own shift from comfort to definite arousal and Spike’s reciprocation. Spike shifted to game face and tore away his mate’s boxers, continuing to grind both shafts together. The licks to the proffered neck were now perfectly timed with the pace he set to stroke their erections, hardness against hardness, together.


“My Will… Please!... need to feel you….”


Spike pulled up from his Sire,, now mate stared wonderingly into the chocolate eyes and asked for confirmation… “Are you sure you’re happy with this?”


“I am Will…. mo rún… you know I am…”


Spike paused for a moment. It was rare for his Sire to use Will these days, even in private, but the Gaelic terms spoke of long time adoration and a deep affection that was the stuff of a mature partnership. If his heart had been beating, it would have skipped as joy and love flooded the link. He smiled with all his being as he lovingly prepared his Sire, slicking himself in the process then lined himself up. They were face to face so they could kiss and drink with ease… and view each other’s faces on the brink of ecstasy. Entry, though tight, was welcomed by a channel waiting for its mate. Angel’s head rolled back as he arched into the attentions of the younger vampire and lifting his knees and spreading even wider to increase the penetration.


Spike certainly began gently, kissing passionately and rocking until a consistent rhythm was established. His pace began to speed up as he buried an already changed face into his Sire’s neck and bit down.


Angel felt Spike’s climax approach as the thrusts became ever more enthusiastic and erratic, and his mate’s cool hand wound around his own erection. He matched the pace as best he could, pressing up to meet the thrusts and biting down hard, fangs penetrating easily.  The worry of the last few days was forgotten as the circle of blood was complete and an all encompassing climax took over both vampires.




Some time in the wee hours of morning, Connor crawled into bed with his fathers. He gradually wheedled his way in and ended up embraced from both sides by loving, bed warmed arms. He knew there was an electric blanket on low assisting the vampires’ temperature but still smiled as both older men embraced him sleepily then snuggled toward the human warmth and scent of family. He could smell their lovemaking but it simply made him feel safe and comfortable, which should have seemed odd, but simply didn’t. He was still aware enough to consider… If only all other aspects of his life were so calm, right and easily assimilated… things might be easier.


He snuggled down also and drifted into a dreamless sleep.



Honorable Sons: 29





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