Honorable Sons: 31
by Josie_h


In the two weeks that followed Connor finished his finals and it was suggested he take on a Master’s course in the new semester. Meanwhile Dawn shopped and enjoyed San Fransisco and surrounds with Willow and F’Iaid, the two wiccans rejoicing in the excuse of showing a little sister ‘their town’.


Late into the third week of Dawn’s visit, the two young people met again at Angel and Spike’s apartment, and this time it was to begin their magical studies. Suddenly things became very serious.


F’Iaid tossed some crimson shaded dust over the two and both young people were amazed by the effect. A blinding green light replaced the shape of Dawn while Connor’s form was enveloped by crimson series of tiny lights leaving trails not unlike the classic depiction of an atom….


Dawn’s magical abilities were still developing but she still felt the roll of unearthly power coming from him, it was exciting rather than disturbing as it held apparently no urgency or malice.


Angel and Spike had chosen to depart for the following three evenings… It seemed best to let the first few lessons progress without interruption… They ‘hunted’ for a few hours then filled the remainder of the evening with a leisurely stroll home.


On the third evening Spike launched himself onto their balcony and moved just in time for his Sire to land grinning…




“Well what?”


“Well I thought you would…”


“What…. have to go around?!!”


“No have caught me on the way up you pillock!”


Angel captured his mate’s lips but they both lost contact as neither man could stop grinning…


“Knew you’d be ready and willing so took my time…. You always were ready and willing *William*’ The last word so growled that it all but vibrated Spike’s chest as he was pulled into a possessive embrace.


With a twinkle in his eye belying the sentiment behind his words he pushed in effectually at the broad chest, “Bugger off ya ol’ ponce!” but gave in quickly to a cascade of light kisses whilst still in the hold.



By week four of the training, Spike and Angel had given up trying to keep out of their own abode. Instead, they retired to their bedroom until lessons were complete. The guest bedroom and ‘study’ were now permanently set for occupancy so Connor and Dawn might retire when they chose. It was a Monday evening. They heard the click of the door as Willow and F’Iaid left for the evening. The vampires pleased themselves then fell asleep… both feeling an odd tingling sensation as they did so but discounting anything odd as they snuggled down together.




Spike sat forlornly on the now enormous pillow, the ethereal light he apparently gave off in his new form only making the problem seem worse. Angel quietly dropped down to join him, landing a little inelegantly, but better than his first few attempts. At least his hover was improving.


He caressed the silky wings of his mate with his nearest hand, admiring the pale rainbow of color that ran through them, then shifting his hand to caress the beloved face. He barely restrained a giggle as he noted the now rather fetching pointed ears poking beyond the blonde curls of his mate. He leaned forward and kissed the pale complexion sending love through their link which thankfully had survived the change. At least with the coloration of their skin the nudity was a little easier to cope with. The swirling patterns in pale aqua giving Spike the appearance of wearing a custom designed body suit. But the greatest thrill was that they appeared to have heart beats and felt warm to the touch.


“So how long?”


“How long what?”


“How long ‘til Red and F’Iaid fix this?”


“Um… well… might have to be Thursday now… According to Dawn they’re both on a wiccan retreat.”


“Well bloody well get ‘em back again!! How the hell are we supposed to go around for four days like this… and what exactly are we supposed to eat anyway!?? Haven’t seen a whole lot of vampire faerie takeout have you??!!”


“Connor thinks…”


“Oh yes, do pray tell, what the bloody hell does ‘boy wonder’ think… given that he and the bit are at the bottom of all this in the first place! Need bloody magical training wheels… or muzzles… on the both of them!” he grumbled several other insults and turned away, forcing Angel back a little as Spike’s passing wing threatened to sweep him from his position on the pillow.


Angel ignored the anger and simply continued, “He thinks that we are simply faeries, no vampire traits at all. There was no malice in the spell so there should be no bad side effects…” Spike snorted his disdain openly, as Angel continued, “I’ve tried it … I can’t seem to do a game face no matter how hard I try to shift. So perhaps the food thing is the same… in which case honey or nectar should do us for a day or two… at least… ‘til the ladies return and we can be restored. Come on sweetheart, it could have been worse….”


“Oh yeah…. What??? … You suggestin there was a chance they’d call us bent or bitches or a couple of old queens!….” Spike spun to stare angrily at his mate,, “And bone to pick here Sire….. since *when* have they been referring to us as a couple of faeries - with associated giggles apparently! - anyway!!?! Bloody Cheek!… Bahhhh!!!!”


Spike stood in a huff, his wings unfolded, and he took off without thinking, flying to window. Arms folded, he hovered and stared out angrily at the changing colors of the landscape in predawn.


Angel lay back on the pillow and wrapped his wings around himself, comforted by their silky warmth. He knew that his childe, his mate, would not be approachable just yet so  took the time to examine his own ‘state of affairs.


Judging by Spike’s size against the window they were probably both around four and a half inches tall (Spike a little less of course) with wingspan maybe double that. Angel’s own skin was pale shades of purples and blues covering every inch of his body. He stroked the soft mauve down of his right wing, following the nap, and was shocked by the instant effect the caress had on his nether regions. Curious he repeated the gesture but dwelt on the very edges of the wing where he could see the membrane was so fine that every blood vessel was apparent… He’d felt nothing like it before… it was so unbelievably sensitive! He imagined Spike blowing over it, licking it, stroking it in time with…. and to his absolute amazement, promptly came, profusely and all over his torso, narrowly missing said wing and evoking a welcome chortle of laughter from Spike!


“Ho now what brought that on??!! Got a wing needs caressin’??...” but he stopped mid insult and added an amazed ‘Hey!!’ as he realized several sunbeams had just touched his feet with no effect…. He let out an emotion filled groan and a whispered invitation, “Ohhh pet… Luv…. Please… just… oh please you’ve got to… just come here!”


Angel was already in flight with no thought of how. He rounded on his beautiful partner, their wings beating in tandem, and wrapped himself around the beloved body. Entwined, they landed effortlessly on the sunlit windowsill. Angel gently lowering his lover onto his back, the pale wings spread like a stunning backdrop, then proceeded to kiss his Childe, his mate, his pretty aqua faerie partner, on the warmed ledge, their passion lit by early morning sunlight.


Angel found his wings were as much a sexual instrument as any other organ or extremity, as were Spike’s. Rather than taking their erections in hand, he chose to rub their mutual interest together while kissing the blonde and stroking the outer edges of his resting, though occasionally twitching, wings. Spike began arching, panting lightly and begged for ‘proper’ contact.


Angel’s own wings had been lying flat to surround both of them but as he rose to enter his mate, the extraordinary new additions stood erect and strong, automatically fanning both small forms.


Using the result of his solo satisfaction, he embedded in one stroke, not an unexpected event given their frequent coupling of late. But as he began to move, Spike’s wings pressed back to ninety degrees forcing the blonde’s body to an almost to upright position, met with enthusiasm by his mate.


As Angel began to move and Spike responded, their wings kept time, indeed double timed to the point where the two were airborne. Safe with Spike’s legs around Angel locked at the small of his back and Angel’s arms anchoring Spike they rose and hovered half way to the ceiling. The sensation of sun and air rushing past super sensitized wing membranes and the glorious feel of being filled and… not connected to anything but each other was exquisite. They kissed desperately, passionately and both came so hard and long that neither could believe they managed to land safely…..


They were face to face, lying on their sides on the warm windowsill, their upper wings providing a calming and reassuring cover while they caressed each other’s faces and kissed gently….


If that was a first encounter perhaps the whole faerie scenario was not going to be so bad after all.



Honorable Sons: 32





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