Brian couldn't believe he was agreeing to these rules, but then he really couldn't deny Justin anything anymore. As long as he could maintain his independence. I guess I can live with them. I am thirty now, after all, Brian thought. Maybe it's time to make a few different choices. Justin was looking at him, waiting for his response.

Brian returned his gaze steadily. He leaned in and kissed him, saying with the kiss what he couldn't say with words.

They were still on the dance floor at Babylon, but Brian couldn't control himself when Justin kissed him like that. He was ready to jump Justin right there at the club. He broke the kiss and looked Justin in the eyes. Silent understanding passed between them. Of course, it wasn't hard to decipher Brian's smoky "I want to fuck you NOW" look. Grabbing Justin's belt loop, Brian pulled him toward the door. Justin followed without protest, just as ready.

They scrambled into Brian's jeep, abandoning the pulsating music inside the club for the throbbing heat between them. Justin was really turned on - he couldn't believe that Brian was his. Really his! Fuck whoever you want, just come back to me. After all this time....he's mine.

That train of thought derailed as they stopped at a traffic light and Brian leaned over to lick Justin's ear and kiss his neck. Justin turned the tables as soon as the light turned green and Brian started driving again.

Brian broke quite a few traffic laws: it was really hard to drive with a guy sucking on your neck and his hand down your pants.

Okay, this is too much, Brian thought and pulled into an alley halfway home. He wheeled on Justin, pulling him close and kissing him hard. He angled his seat back as Justin leaned in, unbuttoning the rest of Brian's fly. He roughly pushed aside Brian's briefs, and without hesitation, he dove onto Brian's cock. Brian's dick was already hard, precome moistening the tip. Justin had learned well, and his mouth and hands efficiently worked together, driving Brian out of his mind.

Brian's hand reached down to pet Justin's head, guiding him slightly. Far too soon, Brian felt his muscles tighten, and he clutched Justin's hair in warning. Justin just hung on, and caught Brian's seed in his mouth, milking every drop as Brian shuddered his release.

Justin sat back up, grinning. Brian smiled back, catlike. That had been a little surprising. Brian could always control himself, but with Justin, his control seemed to go right out the window. He put the jeep in gear and drove out of the alley, his head still reeling. Brian loved semi-public sex. A blowjob in the jeep - it was so hot. I wonder where else we can go? Brian thought. But a quick look at Justin told him that they had better get home, and fast.

Soon they pulled up to Brian's building. Justin practically leaped out of the jeep, ready to go upstairs. Brian got an idea and smiled. It was late, there was no reason not to...He got out and pulled Justin close, kissing him again, exploring his mouth, taking his time. He could feel Justin was anxious, though, and Brian enjoyed that he was making Justin feel that way. And he could afford to tease a little - he had already gotten off once. But Justin wasn't in the mood to be teased. He grabbed Brian's hand and dragged him toward the door.

Brian got the door open somehow; it was difficult with Justin manhandling him. They stumbled over each other as they made their way to the elevator. Brian flung his hand toward the panel, not caring whether he hit the button for his own floor. Justin backed Brian up to the far wall, pinning him there, kissing intensely.

Brian allowed this for a moment, then asserted his dominance, spinning him around so that now Justin was facing the elevator wall. Brian reached around and unfastened Justin's pants. Roughly he pushed his fingers underneath the waistband and pushed the pants down to Justin's thighs. God, he's going commando. Instantly Brian was hard again, and fumbled with his own half-buttoned jeans. Brian reached into his pocket and retrieved his supplies. He reached around and found Justin's hardness and squeezed. Justin groaned loudly and Brian smiled against Justin's neck.

He released Justin's dick and attended to himself. He put the condom on and lubed up. He placed his feet on the inside of Justin's and forced his legs apart, as far as his pants would allow. He reached between Justin's cheeks and spread some lube there, making sure Justin was prepared. Without further delay, Brian moved. He impaled his lover, and Justin let out a long, grunting sigh.

Resting inside him for a moment, Brian reached around again and took Justin's dick in his hand. Justin hung his head, breathing hard, hands pressed against the elevator wall. Brian kissed his neck. After a moment, Justin moved back against Brian, wanting more. Brian took up a slow rhythm at first, but Justin wanted it fast and hard. He bucked against Brian, and Brian took his cue, stroking Justin's dick in time with his strokes. Justin was becoming a lot more vocal, and enthusiastic, and Brian worried that they'd wake the whole building. He kissed Justin in an attempt to silence him, but his lover just groaned louder at the shift in position.

Brian dug in, and started fucking Justin in earnest, not caring anymore about the other tenants. They moved together for a few strokes, then Justin started to shake. His dick twitched in Brian's hand, and Brian knew he was close. Justin wriggled against Brian, and shuddered. A split second later, Justin came, hard, and shouted in his release. Brian took another beat, then let himself go over the edge.

They stood there, breathing hard, locked together. After a moment, Brian pulled out, as gently as he could. He turned around and faced the elevator door, and saw instead the stunned face of his downstairs neighbor, Rico. I guess I didn't hit the right button, Brian thought. He and Justin looked at each other and smiled. They were still hanging out of their pants, sweaty and satisfied. Brian couldn't resist saying, “Going up?” He pulled the gate closed and hit the button for the top floor, looking straight at their speechless onlooker. He kissed Justin passionately, not breaking eye contact with Rico, until the elevator passed from his view.

They broke the kiss, and Justin said, “I wonder how long he was watching us.” Brian shrugged, not really caring at this point.

They were at the top floor now, and Brian pulled the elevator gate back. This had been fun. Elevator sex was pretty hot, too. He wondered where else Justin would be willing to fuck, and resolved to think up new and different places to consummate their relationship.

Justin continued, “That was really hot. We'll have to do this more often.”

Brian said, “It's a deal.” He planted a chaste buss on Justin's lips. "There. Sealed with a kiss." Justin laughed at him and grabbed Brian's hair, pulling him in for a real kiss, making it last.

Body Shots
Sealed With A Kiss Notes







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