New fiction will appear at the bottom of the table

Better Than Ice Cream
Brian/Justin     NC-17

"Painting my portrait is supposed to be foreplay?  Yeah, right.  Tell me another one." 
"Who said anything about painting your portrait?
  I said I want to paint you."
It took a minute, and Justin watched Brian's face as this suggestion sunk in.
  Brian smiled.  "Well.  Why didn't you say so?"

Wonder Whacker
Ted/Emmett     NC-17

Gap-filler during Ted’s intervention of episode 205.
“Don’t go yet, okay?  I still need...”  He didn’t know how to finish that sentence, but Emmett understood.
 “Yeah, sure Teddy.
  Anything for you.”

Sealed With A Kiss
Brian/Justin     NC-17

I’m sure something like this happened after “The Rules” of episode 206.
...he couldn't believe that Brian was his.
  Really his!  Fuck whoever you want, just come back to me.  After all this time....he's mine.

Body Shots
Sequel to
Sealed With A Kiss
Brian/Justin     NC-17

Ah, kissing.  One of their new rules – no kissing anyone else but each other.  Brian couldn't see them adhering to this rule for long. 

Five A.M.

Brian journals after episode 213.
Does he think I’m stupid?  Does he think that I don’t know where he was or what he was doing?  (Or who?)  Dancing, my ass.

Time of Your Life
(Featuring Brian, Justin, Ethan)  PG

This takes place after episode 220.
Brian knew this would happen, knew Justin would leave someday, knew that he had practically pushed Justin out that door.......Justin walked out the door with Ethan.
  It was time to move on.

One Night In Chicago
Brian Kinney/Ray Kowalski     NC-17


He stepped into Ray's personal space and licked his lips.  "I'm staying at the Meridien, on Michigan Avenue."  Ray nodded, barely breathing.  "Room 1104.  Ask for Brian Kinney."








about me
